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RSS Reviews

Crossfire 2.0

Mod review

This mod is above average but falls short of absolute adoration by a few key points.

First, the positives include fantastic HD graphical fidelity (easily looking like an HD remake in some ways) along with a unique new aesthetic for the HUD and a few fun bonuses and cheesy outfits if you choose them in the launcher (defaults are for standard outfits).

Outside of the graphics, the technical capabilities of this mod are fantastic and a glorious showcase of just how much love the FL community has for a game that is more than a decade old. You really need to compare the vanilla game and this mod side by side to just be amazed at how finely-tuned this mod makes FreeLancer feel.

The AI is phenominally more difficult (maybe too much so) but this mod was made first and foremost for FreeLancer veterans who wanted a challenge. The authors could do well to state this more prominently on the mod installation and other locations.

Now for the terribad:

AI spams near-infinite health & shield regen items in a typical trope called 'The AI is a Cheating Bastard'. You'll often be outnumbered and outgunned and hit brick walls of difficulty unless you upgrade/change your ship or stop to grind money to buy the things you need. Difficulty spikes are old-school but far too unforgiving for anyone who isn't in peak skill level.

Sounds are..OK (some newer ones are muffled/odd echoes) but the new voice 'acting' reminds me of the bad stuff from 1990s FMV video games on Phillips CDi. Oh yeah, it's THAT bad. I get this is a fan project but maybe (just maybe) it might've helped to be a bit nicer to people and get a wider variety of contributors that have decent voices from YouTube. At worst, it can just be muted and read in the text box if nothing else.

Attitudes of the author & surrounding CF community are openly hostile & toxic to anyone that doesn't 100% unconditionally agree with everything that their tiny little hovel of a community believes.

The EULA and terms of use threaten legal action (lol?) against anyone that makes ANY modifications to any of the INI files or other mod files after installing this mod (even if they are only playing single player mode). I get WHY they would put in a 'please dont steal our work' blurb, but the harsh legal wording of it (all bark and no bite) makes it a laughingstock of the entire FL community.

Overall the mod is worth a grab. Feel free to mod it how you like and see if the *cough* OP has the balls and war chest to try to do international lawsuits for a mod that changes a game that is owned and IP-protected by Microsoft. That should be a really funny case.

If you have trouble on 'protect' missions, you would likely have to dive into the mission files and make all the NPCs that you have to protect be invincible. It is a cheat, but the AI is a cheating bastard ;)

Play it, enjoy it, avoid multiplayer and the forums at all costs.


Deus Ex: Revision

Mod review