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Report RSS Just a little of what I can do on Photoshop (view original)
Just a little of what I can do on Photoshop
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AnimeLoverForever - - 892 comments

I love videos that show how it looked before and after. That's one of the main reason why I watch video on YouTube these days and music of course :3

But I saw that you talked about the T.U.T.
What is that about?

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Kark-Jocke Author
Kark-Jocke - - 14,946 comments

When it comes to the "T.U.T." is about a series I want to make and I can't talk about it since it's way too early to share any info about it. The only info I can share so far is:

Who is the leader? - Kark-Jocke
How many are working on the T.U.T. project? - 4 / so far.
Is "The T.U.T. Development Team" The main Team name? - for now

Is it based on a real-life story? - No
Is it going to be like a Manga/Anime? - Yes
Will, there be romantic or ecchi stuff? - Maybe.
How many seasons will there be? - We have no idea.
What language is it going to be? - English / for now.
What type of software are we using? - Photoshop and Blender / for now.

Will it become a video game? - We have no plans for this, right now. But maybe later after the series is 100% done for example like a novel game where you can make decisions that can change the story-line.

But for now, it will become a Manga first if we can do it and if we are lucky it could become an anime series or a game one day. Which I hope will happen one day.

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AnimeLoverForever - - 892 comments

Nice!!! So you're putting all of your Ps skills into this project. Now I see the reason why you said all of that stuff in the article. You use all of your time on this series. I would love to see the progress :D

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Kark-Jocke Author
Kark-Jocke - - 14,946 comments

You are not the only one who wants to see, but as I said to everyone else it is still too early to share more info. But we will make a group and upload little by little of what we make for this project one day.

The reason why we or I haven't shared more info about this is mostly because we aren't sure if we can make everything alone. I have seen too many large projects which have been closed for reasons we don't know why.

So it's better to share stuff when we are 100% sure we can actually do this. Right now I'm still working with the story-line, Le4Fz the other members work in Blender, TF working as the text editor, and wonDiesel work with coming up with stuff we can use.

The only big problem is that we live far from each other and some of us don't have time at all or want to take a break. And none of us "especially me" are pro, so it may take some time before something is done.

But don't worry, I work every day on it :D

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AnimeLoverForever - - 892 comments

Isn't most of the Manga in Japanese first before it becomes English?

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Kark-Jocke Author
Kark-Jocke - - 14,946 comments

True, but none of us know Japanese besides a few words like Baka, Itai, Urusai, Onii-Chan, and so on. And yes I will use some Japanese words like that and a pretty small text below it in English so readers will understand what it says if they don't know it already. I'm an anime fan and I should know Japanese, but I normally watch anime in dub only, so yeah you can be disappointed in me for that.

But if we can get one who knows how to writes and speaks both Japanese and English the series will be in Japanese as well. If you're wondering about Norwegian since I'm from there just forget it. The series will not be subbed by us in Norwegian, we can use a few words, but chances for that is really low.

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AnimeLoverForever - - 892 comments

I watch anime too in dub, but I do watch some series in Japanese for those I believe will never get dubs later. Some anime series don't get dub before 5 years later xD

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Kark-Jocke Author
Kark-Jocke - - 14,946 comments

True, but one thing can be for sure all girls sounds way better in Japanese than English even if I don't know what they are saying before reading the sub (´°ω°`)

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AnimeLoverForever - - 892 comments

"Will, there be romantic or ecchi stuff? - Maybe."
That would explain a lot for that part hahahaha!

But yeah I wish you all the best luck on this! I really hope I can read it one day, who knows what will happen in this story your making xD

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Kark-Jocke Author
Kark-Jocke - - 14,946 comments

Thank you and remember! (☞゚∀゚)☞ It's anime, everything is possible!

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Veronica_ - - 1,499 comments

You clearly have some sophisticated skills when it comes to photoshop editing. Someday a professional company could take an avid and considerable interest in you, so be ready to act when opportunity knocks.

I really admire your astonishing work. You know how to enhance your images with color filters and lightning effects. And your drawing methods are simply delightful.

And it's imperative to further develop your skills and experience, because there's always room for improvement.

I'm looking forward to reading your exceptional manga. Keep up the good work.

幸せはもうすでに出来上がっているものじゃない。 自分の行動が引き付けるものだ。

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Kark-Jocke Author
Kark-Jocke - - 14,946 comments

The stuff I worked on here about "Ivlis" I used liked 1-3 hours on for each image and when I work on the image for the T.U.T. I use all from 2-8 hours on each image and sometimes I can go back to the picture and make a few more improvements.

But me and my team are now working on something that may reduce working time so I don't have to draw everything. But time will tell, as of now I'm just working on the story-line and let me tell you it's going to be a big one. If we can do it...

( ͡¬ ͜ʖ ͡¬) 翻訳者がいるのは素晴らしいことです。

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elixr1 - - 844 comments

I don't think I can see the difference.

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Kark-Jocke Author
Kark-Jocke - - 14,946 comments

Color blind?

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elixr1 - - 844 comments

i didnt expect ur reply idk why this moddb website didnt mentioned me about ur reply but eh no i dont have color blind i just have weak eyes only fr fr also i wear glasses which is why i didnt see the difference

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Kark-Jocke Author
Kark-Jocke - - 14,946 comments

Sorry to hear that. Well, there are links in the description showing what's done on them. These images are just something I did for fun in my free time.

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Just some pictures I work on for fun. Just remember that pictures from "before" are not made by me, but the "after" are made by me.

The character you see is called Ivlis, and are made by Mogeko / Deep-Sea Prisoner, their first appearance was in The Gray Garden.

I also made videos when I worked on it
which you can see here:

JFF - P001 - Ivlis: Youtube.com
JFF - P002 - Ivlis: Youtube.com
JFF - P003 - Ivlis: Youtube.com
JFF - P004 - Ivlis: Youtube.com
JFF - P005 - Ivlis: Youtube.com

As I said "I just do this for fun"

I still work on a project called T.U.T which is more important. This is just fun to work with something else from time to time.