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Comment History
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Redux Mod


Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Cinematic Battles

i would like to say i like this mod, its very unique and very balanced for the most part, :)

working with lower damage and health numbers definitely is a huge change, although a very welcome one indeed, very unique mod, not my favorite id say but i can see why someone would enjoy this over others, the size changes for units to be more lore-friendly is also a very nice change, i wish more mods had this, minor gripe, i think having space marines have even smaller squads (start out with 4 members and have a fifth in the form of a sergeant) would be fun to see, same with chaos space marines having similar numbers, although regardless still a fun mod, 8/10 definitely recommend.

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Redux Mod

can you make this mod compatible with campaign? it would be nice :)

Good karma+2 votes
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Persistant Bases Addon SS Version

how do i apply it to other mods?

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

can you make a separate mod that adds ally on skirmish and saves buildings on skirmish as a submod by itself? there are mods i want to play with both features, but they dont have them, i find myself coming to this mod for that reason but i want to play those mods with those features.

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

what is corsix? do you know if there's a video explaining what to do or something? much appreciated for the help btw :)

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

fair i guess, might just be the map i always go for first then

jetpack guardsmen are a common-ish unit i've seen in many guard armies, i've even seen entire armies dedicated to jetpack guardsmen (see harakoni warhawks and elysian jump troops)

they basically act as kind of like elite jump pack stormtroopers or kasrkin lol, in lore they have like a worse lasgun than regular guardsmen bc its like lighter and smaller but it makes up for it bc they have jetpacks lmao, although there are elite trooper variants with hellguns

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

eldar seem weak in game, especially on campaign against necrons where you get pwned easily, in my experience anyways, balancing seems wacky, though that might be more of an issue with necrons being too strong rather than eldar being weak.

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Dawn of War


tbh 10-man space marine squads arent lore-friendly lol, mods with 4-5 marines are more lore-friendly

Good karma-7 votes
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

ideas for new units you could add potentially at some point:

Adeptus Arbites (for sisters of battle) (perhaps early game unit?)

Jetpack guardsmen infantry (for imperial guard) (perhaps elite unit?)

Primaris Marines (for space marines)

Dire Avengers (for eldar, maybe able to requisition them as a more powerful, but more expensive guardian)

Shining Spears (for eldar)

just some cool unit suggestions that could add more variety lol

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

is there a way for me to manually revert it then? would it be as simple as deleting a file or something?

on another note, do you know of a way i can change the voice lines for the sisters of battle to the voice lines for witch hunters?

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

The Hyperion mountains map in campaign on soulstorm is hard, cant you just revert it to the normal map? the one with regular take and hold points? it sucks and i dont like playing it, plus its glitched where lower province number = more buildings/teams and higher province numbers = lower amount of buildings/teams, it turns into a waiting game waiting for the province to get to lvl 10 or i just get bored and ignore the province, its so annoying and i want it removed and reverted back to normal or at least having a better map.

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

honestly not a bad idea, hope it gets added lol

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

i wanna use it so i can make campaign on other mods better, thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

do you have a separate mod for JUST the persistent bases and the extra ally on campaign?

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

yeah but i would still rather play a regular skirmish than whatever the **** the balancing is lmao

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

i propose an idea, remove all the bonus missions on dark crusade, keep the same map, and just turn them into regular skirmishes

is that hard to do? it seems kind of like a simple fix considering they would just be regular campaign skirmish, idk you be the judge of that, i would personally prefer this idea though if its possible, i would rather play regular skirmish on them considering the regular missions are hard and annoying

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

i suggest adding a fix, its hard to play when i have 2 teams railing on me at once, thanks

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

I've noticed that a few maps on kronus campaign dont have extra teams when enemy has 2 teams, mostly those maps where they have the powers you get when you beat them, 3 in particular is the eres badlands (the one where you get fury), the second is the one where you get map-wide ability to attack any province, and the third is the one with the extra starting resources, there is most likely more, but these are the ones i remember

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

still sounds good, i like the mod regardless, i was just adding suggestions lol

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

ive been playing this mod and honestly i like it, both SS and DC are fun to play, i prefer DC version since DC campaign is objectively better, maybe you can rework some of the stronghold missions in a future update for SS? IG stronghold in vanilla in particular as well as some of the other stronghold missions are really annoying

would also be fun if you could add dark eldar and SOB races to DC campaign in a future update as well, although it might be out of the scope of this mod, just a suggestion, would be fun to see imo

Good karma+1 vote
mrbeanyballs - - 23 comments @ Advanced Campaign Mod for Dawn of War,Winter Assault,Soulstorm and Dark Crusade

the soulstorm version says it's outdated, yet no other version exists?

Good karma+1 vote