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Comment History
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ CNC Fallout

This mod looks so AWESOME!! I just watched the vid and this is comin out great!

I wanted to ask, are you guys gonna move this onto Kanes Wrath if they ever release that mod sdk or are you just gonna stick with this one?

It doesnt really matter to me cuz I have both and I will definitely download this either way when it comes out. :) keep up the good work

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ Eclectic

Srry for dbl post, but there r a few more things i found that might need fixed.
-the sonic truck for gdi does way too much damage. I had it shoot one shot at a bunker and it died and im pretty sure, but not positive, that the inf died too.
-the tripod conversion beam; I'm not completely sure, but it seemed like the charged beams did less and they have the delayed damage of the devourer. Could you fix this delay and is it possible the tripods are doing the devourers charged damage.

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ Eclectic

This mod is actually pretty sweet!
It didnt seem like u changed too much, but u made some more fun additions.
-The garrison in flame tanks is sweet
-the nod harv garrison was fun, but a bit flawed cause u cant tell harvs to atk
-the ldi has a nice artillery change, and the ldi mammy thing is sweet how it has a garrison, but no aa, but cheaper

This is pretty cool, keep up the good work and keep em comin :P

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

Nice, thatll b great. Make some factions more playable.

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

I like the new sub factions you added. They are actually pretty well balanced. There are still a good bit of balance issues, but a lot better than the 1st.
EVA still doesnt get the harvester though, and most of slavics buildings dont even appear. Many other tech buildings dont appear either, so u cant purchase the upgrades.
Will the model pack fix this or is there something i need to do?
Its gettin there :P

Good karma+2 votes
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

as long as the ai still works for like the base factions (i.e. gdi, nod, and scrin) I'd say just release it now. I'd rather have a quicker released one that you could still try with friends and can still play without any drawbacks. Plus, a lot of bugs come with the ai of new factions, so I think it would b better to just release it now so there is less pressure to quickly release it with ai.

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

Its comin out 25th now? I guess thats not too bad, but make sure u dont push it back too much because kw will b comin out soon :P

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

If you are not goin to release it for a few days, can u at least show us some of the progress u have made. Maybe through a few screenies :) or even a trailer :P

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

Yeah, are you guys still working on it, or are you just waiting to release it now?
Really cant wait for it :P

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

awww... Is there any chance of it coming out some time today?

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ C&C: ShockWave

I reinstalled my zh just to try this and that contra mod. I really enjoyed both of them a lot, but one thing I have to say that I really liked on this on(since I like the little details) is the rocket buggy's horn. Its great :P

Good karma+2 votes
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

Im really glad you decided to release this early form. This should help the mod gain popularity. Thnx!!

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ Kanes Revenge 2.0 About to launch!

This is great news! Thanks for the earlier launch. This is gonna be awesome. All this new stuff sounds really great. Unlockables, the core defender, the random map creator! I really cant wait now! :P
Keep up the great work :)

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

Do you think it would be a possibility to release a mod with just like the factions in skirmish and then release a later one that also has the one player missions and such.
That'd be nice because we'd have something to comment on and play to help balance until it comes out.

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

AWWWWESOMMME! Now I really can't wait for this mod.
One question, are you going to check for feedback on like balance and the like and make any improvements in the future.
I know u r balancing this time around, but I'm sure that the many people trying this mod will b able to help.
Good luck :P

P.S. Is this still supposed to come out Feb.8 i beleive it was.

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

If your makin a forgotten faction, can u plz include the old tib critters like the floaters and fiends.(jellyfish and hedgehoggy things)
That would b rlly awesome.
One thing about the sw, is there a reason theyre available from the start? Its kinda weird havin them so earlier. If its to make them more usable, maybe make them need a tech center, but reduce timer to like 5 min.
The powers of cabal i think, the one with the OMEGA TIB FIELD BOMB and the insane airblast, can u reduce the tib amount by a good bit, because it makes my com go slow just cause of the HUGE AMOUNT. Maybe u should make a timer for these powers, cause they are just too powerful. Either that or make them a bit weaker.
(You could make the tib thing just rlly good against inf, maybe even mutate them; Then make the air blast rlly good against vehicles and kinda good against buildings)

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

O, ok. Thats good, that should make this mod a lot better. I know mods are supposed to b mainly fun, but balance makes it 100X better. Im rlly looking forward to this.
Im guessin ur gonna fix the slavic faction too, because he was barely playable with half the buildings not even appearing.
Thnx for replying. :)
PS (please try not to forget giving a faction harvies :P)

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Do u have any idea on the release date? This mod looks insanely awesome. Ive been playing C&C3, but i just might need to reinstall zero hour to play this :P Keep up the great work.

Good karma+2 votes
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ The Ultimate Revenge + Complete source code

Ive played ur mod and liked it a good bit, but there is a lot of imbalance.

Kane- (the one with the cyborg and cyborg commando?) The $100 cyborg is INSANELY OP. It should b like 3000 at least. I took out a hard scrin with 2 of them. Also, the avatar lord and nova are op and make the regular avatar useless.

GDI- the sonic mammy is op. I accidentley annhilated my enemies base w/the insane aoe.
The hover craft doesnt do anything and the sonic harvester gets stuck in the war factory.

Scrin- the nova defense is very glitchy.
The scrin werent rlly unbalanced cause u hadny done anything with them rlly. (kinda disappointed but lookin forward to 2.0)

Cabal- He may be the most broken faction. The rocket bunker def is crazy, it revealed the whole map on tournament arena and has too powerful storms.(i base crawled just a little, due to its insane distance away from hub, and put a few in a hard base and it got destroyed by the storms)
The huge tib blast and air blast need to b toned down a lot. Its not even any fun just totally blowing a base up for 1500.
The tripod thing is way too cheap because its just a buffed tri, for less than half.(whats up with that?)
Is there a reason they have a super fast, super cheap MS?! Its crazy and too easy to wipe out whole bases with.
The laser tank(beam cannon thing) doesnt do anything

Some other things i noticed were that EVA gets no harvie w/ref and cant build them, but i did like the sonic mammy for EVA. I think EVA was one of ur nicest factions because it was a good bit dif from the other factions and it wasnt op.

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ Kane's Revenge Public ideas

Well, thats all my unit ideas for now. Hope u like them, i know though, that many of these ideas prbly arent very addable(?) like subterranean-ness, but something similar to some of these ideas could work. Well, good luck on the mod, I like 1.5 except for some of the glitchy things :P

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ Kane's Revenge Public ideas

More scrin :P

TFO- Tib Flying Object, this would be a fairly heavy aircraft that could absorb tib like the devourer. Itd b different though because it would only give it the ability to fire one very powerful shot, usin all of its tib, then it would revert to its 2 tripod like beams. When flying over or in tib, its design camos it, stealthing it.

Tib Crawler- A walker like unit, not sure if it should b walker or not. This unit would b stealthed when in tib and would have a tib laser that is good against vehicles, inf, and structures, but very good against harvies.

The Portal Demon- This heavy walker unit is a big portal on a quad chassis that actually has no atk itself. It has 3 modes:
1. A large alien type creature comes out of the portal to fire anti tank weapons that are also fairly damaging to buildings.
2. Another creature in the portal that has a fiery tib like atk very good vs. inf and structures and mediocre against vehicles.
3. Finally, a creature that has powerful aa capability missles also fairly effective against vehicles.

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ Kane's Revenge Public ideas

Storm Artillery- another unit i've mentioned before, a land artillery with storm coulumn abilities. It could deploy ion storms at longer ranges and could also strike with long range lightening strikes. A nice support/artillery unit to support an airstrike.
Tib Worm- Could b a vehicle or inf. It has the ability to tunnel up to a certain distance (like a jump jet type thing) but the enemy wouldnt c them until they came back up. They would have an anti inf tib spraying atk that is basically a area effect inf killer, also powerful against harvies becuase atk reacts with tib.
2 Aircraft Carriers
- This vehicle could carry multiple small aircraft (right now just storm riders)
It would have fairly high def, a small disentegrator type weapon, and an
ability to create ion storms. It would also repair any aircraft on it and stealth
when not usin any abilities to help transport air craft.
- Other idea, a carrier vehicle that could carry one heavy aircraft (pac, dev, or
new air craft ) This would b mostly for an atk change. It would have good
def, but no weapon, but it would use the weapon of the attached air craft.
This would allow usage of air on land. When destroyed the aircraft would
launch into the air, not b destroyed.

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ Kane's Revenge Public ideas

More nod :P

Subterranean Mech- Another sub vehicle, sorta, but this one is a large walker type unit with imense fire power. It has an obelisk on each arm and one sam turret on its back. This unit can b deployed to go underground, but once again immobile. This units def is highly upgraded (~30-40%) and only its head sticks up, but its stealthed in this mode and its sam turret is still above ground. U could use the sub tech to either hide so when an opposing force goes over just pop up and start flankin them or u could use them as an aa force, not that powerful but still aa.

The Beetle- A sub and hover tank that when deployed turns invisible and goes underground. While undeployed and above ground, it is a little more powerful than a scorp with the same weapon that also upgrades to lasers. When deployed it has a nasty sneaky effect. When an enemy unit goes over it stays stealthed, even inf, just not stealth detecters, it unleashes an energy pulse, invisible to the enemy. It does an ok amount of damage, but a unit stationed over it slowly continues to take damage, but it does not alert the enemy (I.E. Unit, under atk; Harvester under atk) This unit is particularly effective against harvies.

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ Kane's Revenge Public ideas

Nod, yes nod, not NOD :)

Tib Theif- Ive put this idea on before, but here it is. Its a stealthed hover vehicle with good speed, but pretty weak armor. It has the ability to harvest tib and store it. This tib can b used by injecting it into nod troops. One injection uses no tib, but heals the inf. The other uses tib and actually mutates the squad into mutants. These "mutant" forms would have dif effects depending on the unit. Mutant rocket men would just have a small atk and RoF bonus (~10-15%). Then other units, like the engineer, would change totally. The engineer could become a mutant hijacker (limit one at a time) and it could go into enemy vehicles and take them over. It would have like a counter before another could b made.

Obelisk Mole- A treaded vehicle with 2 weapons. It has a small tib sprayer for takin on small amounts of inf and it has a large obelisk on its back for anti tank and sorta anti inf. Cool thing about this unit: It can burrow! But its limited, it cant move, but the obelisk is left above the surface. Its a lot like a normal obelisk, but uses no power and is therefore weaker, but still powerful. Also, each one can individually b upgraded with a stealth emitter to stealth its obelisk while underground.

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ Kane's Revenge Public ideas


Sonic Eagle- Yes, an aircraft with a sonic type weapon, like the sonic tank, but its version would be weaker, mostly for anti-spam. It would do weaker damage against buildings to keep the firehawks usage and to stay from bein op. It would do fair amounts to tanks and a very good amount to inf.

Ion Projector- GDI support unit. Emits a small ion shield around itself while moving, but can deploy when stationary to create a larger field and increase def. This field would:1. Increase def of allied units inside.
2. Slowly do damage to enemy inf inside field
3. Heres the nifty one , ally juggies inside the field aim up and
and link up to an orbital cannon and launch ion strikes, which
have increased range (~10-20%) and about the damage of all 3
juggy shots, but its focused, no spread

Savage Tank- Another heavy tank for GDI, it hovers, so its def its less than the mammys but it has a bit more speed. Starts with 2 rail guns, but with the rail gun upgrade, it gets 2 more "rail guns". These rail guns are like the ones on the ghostwalker in TS FS. If u dont know what i mean, they fire at whatever they are aimed at, but damage everything between the sender and target. These would be mediocre against tanks and buildings, but would do nice damage to inf.

Global Defense Tank- Global as in "globe". It would be a fairly large ball type tank that would have 2 modes.
1. It's totally rolled up. It becomes able to garrison one unit, but the unit is unable to fire out. Also, this unit gains about ~20-30% def bonus in this mode.
2. It opens up and gets rdy for fire. It fires a large cannon ball type projectile that is great for destroying structures and ok against tanks and inf. After the rail gun upgrade, to add variety, no it wouldnt just get a rail gun, the upgrade would leave a sorta rail gunny trail on the cannon ball, increasing speed so it is more accurate because the weapon is normally fairly inaccurate with almost juggy speed.

Good karma+1 vote
serpent728 - - 26 comments @ Kane's Revenge Public ideas

I have some unit ideas but its more than 2000 letters long so ill post it in pieces. Idk if u still look at this but here r some of my ideas.

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