HEROIC Studios presents an immersive, cinematic, and enjoyable take on the Galactic Civil War. Reimagined galactic campaigns, new units, photo-realistic models and textures, more planets, diverse and higher quality music, overhauled balance and mechanics, and additional lore in ECM keep this classic Star Wars game feeling unique and remarkable in 2024.


Elite's Conflict Mod v1.0 is finally here! Please enjoy and thank you for all of the support and help over the last 11 months.

Elite's Conflict Mod v1.0
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{HEROIC}Killer - - 11 comments

Yea it's here!! Nice work guys. Been waiting all day

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JimGood - - 10 comments


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Stevesdomain - - 20 comments

downloaded but wont open? any ideas?

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


It won't open? It is just a .rar with folders inside of it. You need winrar or winzip but otherwise it should open. What exactly does it say and when is it saying it?


Reply Good karma+3 votes
Stevesdomain - - 20 comments

Thanks Elite, WinRAR wasn't installed. thought it was.

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


No worries. I'm glad you got it resolved! :)


Reply Good karma+2 votes
grishnikov_007 - - 9 comments

Nice release looks good! Thanks for all the hard work!

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{HEROIC}CNKommander Creator
{HEROIC}CNKommander - - 30 comments

First of all, hats off to you devs for a really good 1.0 release! I have one question though, why do the ships seem massive in scale?

Reply Good karma+2 votes
{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


They are decently bigger and we thought it better reflected the starfighter/star-cruiser ratio. Also it really puts in perspective the vastness of the Star Wars universe and space in general.

It does cause a little bit of drag with the large ships but its not too bad I don't think. Thank you for the compliment by the way! :)


Reply Good karma+3 votes
TheRedBaron192 - - 3 comments

I figured since this is the first version of the mod, you would want some feedback on any issues the community has noticed. To start I absolutely love this mod and think you've done an amazing job overall. It fits the star wars universe perfectly.

The first thing I noticed when I started to play is that right now, at least on my computer, I can't use any abilities for capital ships that target another ship, like Ackbar's "Focus first" ability.

The second thing I noticed is that fighters and infantry take no time to build and have no population value. I don't know if its intentional but I almost feel like it breaks the game since, before I went into the game files to give them all population values, I could have an infinite number of troops on the ground battles or space battles that I could build instantly. I am wondering if it was on purpose due to how ridiculously crazy and fun the space battles become, although I feel like there is a better way to balance than to make infantry and fighters seemingly infinite and able to be made instantly. An idea I just had, and I'm no modder so it could be impossible, is that you give both the frigates, corvettes and Capital ships their own population value pool and you give fighters a separate one, just an idea, maybe a bad one I just thought of it on the spot.

Third thing, you seemed to replace Mon Mothma's purpose with Luke Skywalker. I may be wrong however, I believe Mon Mothma just gives discounts to certain aspects while Luke gives them to all, I have to test it more. Just curious what Mon Mothma's purpose is since Luke seems to trump her in every way.

Fourth, due to the number of buildings and building slots, you may want to figure out a scroll wheel or something for galactic conquest's production screen, because right now, if you build every unit building it runs out of space on the bar and some units don't appear on the planet's production screen.

Lastly, tech tree doesn't really work. Really minor since we have the testing game so its not a big deal atm.

This is what I noticed while playing for one long session as rebellion. Hope you're glad to have this brought to your attention, I really think you made an amazing mod, keep up the good work, figured you'd want some feedback.

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


Thank you so much for this feedback. I really am looking forward to as much as I can get honestly!

1. I will look into this immediately, that is unacceptable and not the quality I expect out of this mod.

2. It was intentional, for now. This is probably what I hear the most about. I wanted to increase the scale of things in the game and make it feel more fast-paced and exciting. We have some ideas however about what we can do but it will require quite a bit of work to get around. I wish we could just use your idea but I don't know how we would go about that haha.

3. She is pretty much just a weaker version of Luke as of now. We would like to expand her abilities more but we may just go a different way. We will look into the balance issues this might cause though as the Empire gets Vader and Palpatine in tech 1.

*Also, all of this information is available in the PowerPoint Show you downloaded with the v1.0 of the mod. :)*

4. This is something else we are looking into right now. Currently the team is redoing all of the planets, adding new ones, and relocating them to feel more EU and not just thrown into the mod. With that, I think what we are going to do is limit which planets can build what buildings, essentially make it impossible to max out the unit bar. What would you think of that?

5. I don't understand what you mean by the tech tree doesn't work? Haha sorry but could you elaborate further?

Thank you again for your valued feedback, please let me know what else you find! :)

Best regards,


Reply Good karma+5 votes
TheRedBaron192 - - 3 comments

Thanks for the response. Nice to see a modder really caring about his work.

1. No big deal, still an amazing mod, not game breaking tbh.

2. I figured you couldn't but wanted to throw the idea out there. I think by making the fighters and corvettes worth 1, the bigger corvettes and weaker frigates worth 2, then the capital ships worth 3 or 4 depending on if its a mon calamari or just the republic looking capital. It still feels very expansive and wayyy larger than the base game. For the ground battles right now, I can win with only a raid team of Luke Skywalker and two squads of T4-B tanks, those things are so strong, I love it but perhaps needing a nerf. Maybe less health, I haven't had one die yet, they've come close but I just pull them back in time to heal, not close enough to pose a challenge however. I am also on advanced

3. I didn't realize there was a powerpoint, I'll go check that out now. I just experimented a little bit on the experimental map. That was such a good idea.

4. I like that idea a lot, adds value to capturing certain planets. Right now what I am doing is essentially capturing planets and building space stations only at frontier planets until I need to increase a unit cap. One idea going along the idea of specializing planets is adding two types of space stations, one is a combat one and one is a support space station. The combat one can't build major capital ships but deals more damage, while the more supportive space station allows you to create cooler better ships at the cost of fire power. You could also make mining space stations and use the old pirate space station as a base, the more you upgrade the more money. Just some ideas to toy with I had on the spot that goes along with the idea of making different planets more useful.

5. You know the tab that allows you to see military strength, economy, planets on a graph? There's also one for the tech tree. You get to that page by clicking the ? button above the pause button. Its not that important, so absolutely no rush. Some people may never have even noticed it.

6. I have noticed a few other things, don't mean to make my response too long but I want to help you make the best mod possible, I know I would want to if I had the time or skills. The little green border surrounding troops when you select them doesn't work for the commando guys and the other forest and snow trooper guys. At least for rebels. Have only played them so far, about to start an empire game.

7. This is an AI thing, so idk how much influence you have on it, but on galactic conquest, the map with all three factions being playable, the empire is a push over mainly because they only build hyper velocity cannons and the ground pulse cannons.

8. This one is hard to explain, and only happened once, and it was minor however I see how it could get bad at times. Essentially, when traveling from endor to hoth in galactic conquest, you couldn't go directly there. You had to stop by each of the asteroid planets in between, after getting to the last asteroid planet you could then travel anywhere you wanted, but if your path involves those two planets, you had to drag the unit to those asteroid planets.

9. Hoth gives me 3500 credits while the planets that have high credit values give me around 450 credits. I believe that is with a mining facility. Now its definitely necessary to have that much money to keep up with the AI, it just is a little silly it all is in Hoth.

10. Nothing else I can think of, just you made an amazing mod. Adds so much more depth to the game can't wait to see where else you take it.

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


1. This has already been fixed. ;)

2. Space units are good. But I am having trouble fixing the ground population values. I edited the Factions.xml and Markers.xml but I've read you might have to edit the maps and I can't do that. So.. I'm at a conundrum as of right now.

3. Haha thank you. You'll have to let me know if it works well for you.

4. I'm glad you like that idea. I will definitely look into your ideas as well! :)

5. I see, I'm not exactly sure how to edit that haha. But yes it would be helpful wouldn't it. I don't think it is any different then the base FOC one.

6. No please, i'm glad you are letting me know! I am aware of that and again i'm not really sure what adds that into the game. I will continue to look into it though. Thankfully it doesn't really effect game play.

7. Really? I suppose I haven't noticed that. I will look into a fix for that.

8. I know what you are talking about. I'm not sure at all what causes the game to do that. If I find a fix/error ill change it but I haven't seen anything yet and I just redid the planets/GCs today.

9. That, as well as population is being adjusted to be more widespread. Still though, Coruscant and Hoth are "Capital" planets and will be the most valuable on the map.

10. Haha I really do appreciate it. Still needs a lot, but it is v1.0. I really want to figure out this ground population though.


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TheRedBaron192 - - 3 comments

Realized one balancing problem while playing, the used by the Ultimate capital ships of the rebellion and the empire, the laser of death I like to call it, was a great addition when dealing with large forces and is balanced for how long it takes to recharge, however, it should really not be able to one shot space stations.... and perhaps not one shot other capital ships of the same caliber, perhaps two shot, but not one shot. Like one shot other the class one star destroyers but not class 2, and one shot the mon calamari cruisers but not the home one cruisers

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


Thank you again, sorry for my late response time.

This has been partially fixed. I cannot recall if there is a build limit to the MC80 Home One and Imperial II-class SD but I believe there is.. which helps limit the amount people use.

Also, for v1.1 they can no longer target space stations. The only one that can is the Death Star II's. :)


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StarwarsFanatic02 - - 4 comments

I run SWEAW on Steam and cannot get the mod to load up
I have expanded the file into the Mods folder on the corruption folder, and changed properties; launch options to:' sweaw foc MODPATH=Mods\Elite's Conflict Mod v1.0', and the game still loads onto the un-modded foc.
Any ideas to what may be going on ?

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


1. Make sure you are running Forces of Corruption as your game.
2. Make sure the "mods" folder is located inside of your "corruption" folder in your directory for SW: EAW: FOC.
3. For the Launch options, it needs to read exactly "MODPATH=mods\elite_conflict_mod_i"
4. If it still doesn't work, let me know! :)



Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 693,672 comments

My biggest problem with the mod aside from all the great things is the galactic conquest not having all of the original preset maps for Forces Of Corruption, also a huge issue for me is the fact that the ships are enormous now and hard to select and spaced pretty far apart and when the enemy sends in a fleet I have to struggle to regroup or allow some of my forces to be sacrificed during the space battles. So my biggest concern would be the enormity of the vessels now, which I absolutely love, but the camera view is too close in order for me to really appreciate my fleet and to control it efficiently. Also there are a number of spelling mistakes in your descriptions.

That all said, you are quite thorough and was impressed you added Krant and a few other planets, obvious indicator you know other StarWars lore from various games.

It's a shame there aren't more heroes but I liked how you put heroes into their respective spots where they belong, namely, IG 88 and others.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


You should totally make an account so I can talk with you more to help get this mod in the right direction. You have some great comments and I appreciate your feedback. We will definitely look into this right away and see if there is anything we can do. :)



Reply Good karma+1 vote
Qoroq - - 4 comments

Decided it would be best to make an account then.


I believe that fighters should be more of a proper resource throughout the entire game rather then just cannon fodder and distractions.

This mod could be a great game changing mod that could breath life back into a pretty solid game if done right.

These are some mods that I thought would be interesting additions to your current one which could add a sleek improved look to an already great mod, I do know taking assets isn't too noble, but if you could maybe give those modders credit, it should be fine, or even contact them and ask them. I just like those mods and unfortunately your mod conflicts with them.
I do believe it is a great mod I also have a link to some alterations you should do to your artwork, because I want something more sleek, trimmed down and more focused on StarWars, rather than anything else. Here are those links(2):

Also if you are curious about the overlay, I removed the Republic's symbol because the title of the game says, Empire At War, and I felt like the emphasis should be the Empire rather than anything else.

Don't know if it is possible but I know that the Consortium can make civilian's slaves, could you allow the Republic to recruit people, but instead of calling them Republic Slaves, calling them Republic Recruits. If it's not possible that is okay, also if it is possible could you make civilian's spawn in on your base, like three civilians ever minute to spawn...as if you were colonizing it? Just civilians, so they don't have weapons, maybe rocks or blaster pistols, but that's it. So it feels like you are colonizing a world, this would also help for maps where you get attacked and forgot to put any ground troopers at all on that planet, this way you could at least have civilians build turrets and do their best to defend a world you worked so hard for. Just a suggestion.

Your's Truly


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Qoroq - - 4 comments

Love your soundtrack inclusions by the way. Very nice touch.

Is there a way to give the heroes more than two abilities? Although if there is a way to do so, it might be a bit overpowered.

Also is it possible to give ground troopers the ability to sprint, it seems kinda strange that nobody can sprint during times of battle. If not ground soldiers, maybe minor hero characters like officers, defilers, et-cetera...??

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


Wow I needed to reread these badly. These comments are very helpful!


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cokerguy123 - - 2 comments

Can someone help me with installing this for those of us that has the disk version, and not the steam version.

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Qoroq - - 4 comments

I have the disk version too, it's a bit different, I figured that you need to paste the data folder into two spots: Mods and Data, overwrite any files that it asks. So place the mods in mods, and merge the data folders together.

Also pro-tip, if the game seems like it's freezing, it's not, just give it a second if it looks frozen, trust me I thought it was freezing, it's just having hickups at times, give it some time and it will clear up...THE GAME ISN'T FROZEN, so don't immediately shut it off like me.

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G.A.Thrawn - - 58 comments

HI, according to pictures and the powerpoint this mode looks amazing, unfortunately it doesn't work on the normal CD based version of the game. Is there some way to make it work or will it be possible in the future patches? Thanks for responce

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Qoroq - - 4 comments

It does work, you have to drag and drop it into several different files for it to work properly.

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maxs9578 - - 20 comments

sorry but its tooo hard

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


The difficulties have been slightly adjusted and the "Basic" difficulty is slightly easier in v1.1 than it was in v1.0.

This game will require you to put more time into managing units in battle.


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greggles1 - - 1 comments

mine still wont open and i have winrar installed any idea?

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


What do you mean? It is a .rar file so if you have Winrar it should open the downloaded .rar file. :)


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{HEROIC}Yeti - - 4 comments

Damn! Exited to hear my music put in a game haha, this mod looks sweet! Amazing job guys :)

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jabby_the_jabster - - 143 comments

Is there someway to download the PowerPoint separately?

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


As of now, no. I didn't think anyone would want that haha. Is that something you would like to see?


Reply Good karma+1 vote
jabby_the_jabster - - 143 comments

Yeah. I would like a unit list so i know what to expect. Also i want to know and changes and mechanics so i know for when i get the mod. Just waiting for my computer.

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


Okay, I will look into this for v1.1 :)


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Migstroyer - - 3 comments

I've played other mods of this game before, but every time I launch FoC it launches the vanilla FoC, not entirely sure why it does this with this specific mod, but if you have any sort of answer to this I'd be grateful, really wanna try out this mod.

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 810 comments


I assume you are using Steam and know how to write the modpath in if you have played other mods before.

That being said, make sure you pull the mods folder out of the Elite's Conflict Mod v1.0 Folder and put that into your FOC directory. People said they didn't open that folder to see that there is a bunch of stuff in there.

If it continues to not work message me personally. :)


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valthemagi - - 1 comments

where do i get winrar/winzip?

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