A Half-Life 1 Modification where you play as a Scientist in Area 9 Hazardous Waste Facilities.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 20)

What a brilliant executed mod in every aspect and in every turn.

The 6 years development time clearly show. The maps are so well polished it's almost like playing an official title made by Valve or Gearbox.

Plenty of custom textures and few new assets such as Black Mesa Security Jeeps, firetrucks etc. are turning this into a rather enjoyable experience.

But it doesn't end here. No the mod even adds some new monster variations to the game. Fighting Alien Grunts with personal shields is like trying to crack a walnut. Not so easy but cool.

That & custom voices are adding the extra spice to this surprisingly good mod.

The gameplay and balance are also top notch.

With around 40 minutes play time it is somewhat shorter than one would hope for such a high quality mod and I dislike the idea that the author will keep us hanging with a cliffhangar.

Still give it a go people the Intro and Outro alone make this mod worth while playing.

Very good


fresco says

Agree Disagree

A really well designed and polished mod. As others said, the 6 years of development can clearly be seen in every part of it. Especially the look and feel of the maps were impressive. The enemy variations were a nice touch and the battles felt intense. While the ending was somewhat abrupt, I like it as it was something very different.

It's great to get such wonderful Half-Life content in 2024.

Muy buen Mod.


3dsvkz says

Agree Disagree


Nothing outstanding. Level design is mostly fine.

+ Nice pacing.
+ New textures, models and voice lines.
+ No barnacle (I think).

- Battery (A key item) stuck in the ground randomly.
- New enemies, aka reskins. Not a fan.
- Ends abruptly.
- Boring train segment.

? Crates without supply.


nellcifur says

May contain spoilers Agree (2) Disagree (2)

There are many, many issues with this mod.

On an otherwise fresh install of Half-Life, both enemy and NPC AI frequently glitched out, taking nearly a minute to turn around and either follow (or attack) the player. An early area in the mod includes a battery you need to move: It frequently broke the engine's physics, softlocking the mod once. A lot of the maps are well-detailed, yet sparse at the same time; gameplay also quickly becomes repetitive, and an encounter with a Gargantua goes nowhere. Another area, one with a tripmine maze, almost feels mean-spirited in its design, killbrushes in place for those who make the mistake of blowing it all up and surviving. The ending, finally, is very anticlimactic. I'm not sure if that's by design or not.

My largest issue with this mod is the use of AI for many of the scientist and Barney voicelines, as well as the G-Man's monologue at the end. There is no excuse from this, especially in the Half-Life community; there are numerous people who would voice characters for free! What makes it even stranger is that there *is* real, human dialogue in the mod. It's quite baffling.

Overall, this mod doesn't have enough substance to justify its short runtime, despite the bits and pieces of good sprinkled throughout.


Juks says

Agree Disagree


Nice mod!

Impressive mod


SpazJR61 says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

Just go and play the mod.
It's a really good 40-minute experience and the map work is pretty good aside from some issues.

Here's the issues I had:

-You can just put some subtle hints like a light to the doors so player can know where to go in places where players can miss a door really easily.
-The save menu needs some polishing as it's rather hard to see what save file you chose as it can be see here: I.imgur.com
-The grunt models seems can't be headshottable but I guess this is a problem in OpFor models but for some reason, they still holding their weapon when killed and if you gib them, they will drop their weapon again: I.imgur.com
-In the tripmine maze, if you break one of the boxes that doesn't have a tripmine attached on them, they will explode and you die instantly.
-While level design is great, I found a problem that one of the fences in one of the levels are not solid and as a result, you can accidentally fell your death: I.imgur.com
-The ending is really abrupt and it should a bit better.