Running. It feels like it's the only thing you've ever done. Run. Ran. Fled. But who could blame you? It started with the flu, or some sort of strange cold. That shit doesn't matter now. What matters is the fact that zombies, and strange monsters, and god knows WHAT else are out there. Better yet, they're right behind you. Kill them? Fat chance. The only gun you've seen in a good amount of time ran out of ammo hours ago, and that rusty old pipe in your hands doesn't look like any zombie killer you've ever seen. Finally, you see something that looks safe. Its an old Inn, the kind you'd see on the side of the road while driving down an interstate. You seem to have traveled from the city a bit, and the door to the main building is open. As you draw closer, and closer, it shuts! Suddenly, the entire situation seems ten times worse. From all around, zombies are swarming over you...

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 313)

It's a damn shames this mods' forgotten now and nobody playes it anymore.

Nice idea and a good work is doing in this.

It is hard not to feel alot of effort were put into this mod. Atmosphere, sound, music, graphics, enemie/player models, the multiplayer, gameplay.. All of it was such a great time for me to experience so do try this mod! :)

It is difficult to be unbiased about my review since I am a pretty big RE fan but here I go. These pros and con's are from MY OWN PERSONAL BELIEF of how a resident evil game should be.

Game provides a excellent challenge, puzzles, the amount of zombies, special zombies and bosses.

Ammo is scarce, how it SHOULD be. Leaves you using melee in 1 v 1 combat situations and using ammo for bosses and special mobs.

Online is very fun with friends and team work.

The levels are not too long nor too short.

Zombie's re spawning was a great idea, and makes the game much more difficult and a indirect way of punishing you for dying. Instead of simply re spawning and walking back to where you died, it is a pretty decent challenge.


Playing single player is somewhat difficult, you absolutely need a character with a flash light or some parts will be too difficult to navigate using the gunshots for occasional lighting.

Sometimes and rarely the doors will get bugged and you need to restart the game all over with, very frustrating.

Game actually becomes easy if you play it a lot! for a challenge play with friends. Have a 1 death per character rule, until your team runs out of characters and see if you can still finish a level. :)

Finishing words:

I honestly like this game better than resident evil 4 and 5. I was a HUGE fan of resident evil outbreak file 1 and 2. game was every RE fans dream come true. outbreak fans, please take time to look at this webpage and realize someday soon we can play together again.

Type into google: "Biohazard/Resident Evil Outbreak Server" and its the first page on the top. We will have our server online again someday.


Un mod de toda la vida, y en mi lista de mods del HL1 que debes jugar con amigos, una recreaccion total que recuerda al svencoop pero con tematica de RE1, casi un hibrido de RE Outbreak y Svencoop que merece tu atencion.

y se esta trabajando en una vercion para Source! WOW!


hfadl4559 says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

it's so cool

love this. keep working(2019) :)


I've played this mod a couple years ago for the first time. It was an amazing feeling. I love the RE franchise and I'm a super huge fan. So, no wonder I liked this mod too (if there's a RE game there's a 10/10 change that I'll like it). One of the best mods ever.

Amazing mod...

i like the game if anyone wants to play co op add me on skype gilcesar47