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New on this mod (remember it's based on TD)

• super weapon timers.
• "mini" super weapon timers (airstrike ect) can be seen only by allies.
• new red tiberium
• new notification sounds (radio static shhhssszzz hhhsss ect)
• New coop missions with special color palettes! and a new unit who can capture allied buildings and units for times of need(coop only,sorry trolls)
• new level up sound (taken from fallout 1&2)
• new level up icon animation
• weapon impact flashes
• spy logic added to the game
• new nod support power (vehicle airdrop)
• new rifleman that uses grenades against large groups of infantry (i received the condition code from some one, I will add his name if he wants( I know I want)
• new awesome commando icon
• new chemical tank for nod
• new AI target logic (it will hit your super weapons with its super weapons)
• new communication center for nod(recreation of the beta)
• new military fonts


• radar jammer for GDI
• heavy tank for nod
• medic for GDI
• mechanic for nod
• spy for nod
• supply truck for all
• pillbox for nod
• demo truck for nod


• commando available for both sides
• Apache now uses missiles for vehicles and bullets for infantry, ammo can now replenished in helipad again.
• all builded aircrafts will arrive from out side the map instead of just popping from the helipad like a magic rabbit.
• capturing a super weapon will count as an extra super weapon, but you can only build 1, so no more double temple of nod and advanced com centers. just go and cap some.
• super weapon buildings can be seen by the enemy when the placed in the map(like red alert 2)
• nuke timer is now 10 min, and ion cannon timer is now 5
• nuke do more damage with more range(if you get hit by it, kiss your ass good bye)
• ion cannon do more damage and have a bit more range of effect.
• walls have more hit points.
• defenses can be build further away.
• menus are now changed to look like the original game (I am particularly proud for the loading bar)
• infantry type units will leave a corpse for a longer time after they crashed(dune 2 stile,let it rot)
• single player nod palette is now recolored to be "more dark red"
• beacon is now changed to a player colored smoke (that is bounce up and down a little ,sorry for that, I dont know yet how to fix it,but dont worry its not that bad)
• only nod can build rocket infantry
• construction yard build zone is now obsolete, you can expand as far as you like original style (well almost, walls and defenses dont count)
• build order is re arranged (dont remember details)
• buildings\units that haven't meet their Prerequisites will not appear in the build panel (no more clicking the unavailable)
• Advanced Guard Tower cost is now 1500
• APC uses its old machine gun

Well those are all the things that I can remember, I haven't kept any notes when I was modding.

Things I want to add in the future:


• ambient sounds .
• local ambient sounds (example: hear rocks fall from cliffs at random interval).
• building ambient sounds (example: communication center radio sounds).
• footsteps of soldiers (low volume).
• unit radio responses based on enemy units( example will be a homvee saying "enemy infantry spoted" at low volume, when it comes to a visual range with enemy infantry).
• reload sounds low volume( ok I am getting bored typing low volume all the time, it will be low volume for all ambient sounds, just remember that).
• vehicles engine ambient sounds.
• building response sounds when being selected.
• random unit talk ambient sounds.

Navy units:
but larger than the ra counter parts, I am talking about life size here, that you will able to build from naval yards that are pre-placed in the map, so you will have to capture them with units by land, proximity capture not with engineers.
some of the navy units will be the following:

• attack submarine
• nuclear propeller submarine with nuclear tactical missiles(small area of effect)
• navy mines(not a unit but whatever)
• gunboat (the one from the icon from ra but not the actual ship from ra) able to carry an anti sub helicopter.
• a battleship with full armament (anti air and huge cannons)
• aegis cruiser (the death of the sea)
• a carrier from the GDI movie scenes, able to carry aircrafts, and! build hovercrafts with units inside them(you will have in your build panel hovercrafts with description on what units will have in them) also what type of aircrafts you can build on the carrier)
• raft transport for all your commando needs

Research logic:
(will be added once separate resources are added to openra.)

• new resource type: research points
• a research panel (that will take a long time)
• research will work like oil derricks,each player will be able to build a research facility that will generate research points or be able to also build scientist that will generate research points after they enter the research building like in generals with the china hackers.
some of the research that can be done by players will be the following:

• advance power plants that will replace your power plants on the map and enable advance power plants to be build.
• stealth harvesters for nod but with less tiberium storage on them.
• harvester heavy armor for gdi,but will reduce the speed of the harvester.
• upgraded gdi com center to advance com center
• camo net for nod pillboxes
• infantry training for: rank,use of grenade weapons,things that I might think in the future.
• auto repaired concrete walls

The research logic will use research points instead of money to allow tech-up players to have the upper hand on end game time, its money and strength in numbers vs small well trained forces.


• day night cycle for all maps (including random weather if possible)
• ra service depot but with nod symbol
• construction of nod mcv will be from service depot,with animation showing the mcv coming from in side it wile the top of the building will open like a "missile silo door" kind of thing (Conditions will probably needed to disable repair trait,so that will take a long long time until I added it,because of my knowledge on condition traits, sorry if you like the idea).
• some kind of nod sonic boom airstrike, that will kill air units only. I imagine it like this: 3 migs(probably), will come from outside the map, and in mid point between the target and the point of arrival the aircraft's will make a sonic boom sound and increase speed, when closing to the target they will release their rockets(AOE damage) and leave the map.(i would like the squadron split after the rocked release with out passing the point of attack and go left and right and then leave the map,but that its not possible as far as I know)
• swimming animations for commando
• mortar infantry or a team mortar infantry(depends if I manage to make it look good)
• a sniper team or sniper unit (same as above)
• heavy machine gun team,that deploy in to a fortified machine gun "nest" (as above)
• light machine gun unit
• tanks will make more damage to infantry(half if they are prone) and have larger AOE
• tanks with anti infantry machine guns
• rockets will do more damage to infantry(half if they are prone)
• nod rifleman will get an under barrel grenade launcher
• rifleman throwing grenades will be available only to gdi
• sandbags will provide extra armor to infantry and trigger (probably) prone state to the units.
• engineers will be able to cut chain link walls
• chain link walls will electrocute passing through infantry (it will work like visible mines) and cost 1 power to operate per wall segment (so no china wall here)
• nod airfield for multiple aircrafts.
• f22 raptor for nod(if I get permission)
• anti personnel mines deployed by infantry (sudden strike game logic)
• anti tank mines with a mine layer vehicle
• city tile set with urban buildings and roads

faction decorations:

• buildable pavement,
• billboards,
• light sources,
• props.

Game modes:

• maybe multiplayer map mod that will allow to pick civilians and build a village of some shorts that your allies will have to defend for a specific time from the enemy team.
• multiplayer special category mode that will make all nod players use the white unit color from the single player.
• other various map modes like search and destroy (place bomb to 1 location out of multiple),
• kill the enemy commander(will include commander bunkers) ,
• obviously king of the hill,
• escort special unit to a point of the map and prevent the enemy team from capture it and take it to their own point.

after tiberian sun release:
• buildable rails, trains and train stations for transporting units fast from place to place.
• gdi railgun battleship-flagship

Well so far these are the things that I remember right now

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RSS Articles

Strap your nuts and lets go

This is a -=> BETA <=- so don't start screaming when weird stuff start happening around you!
Go on github and download it

tda 2022 06 23T213342800Z

Engine: Update to release-20210321
(Big thanks to Penev92 for taking upon himself the big burden of updating the engine!!! I can't stretch enough how important for the project was his huge contribution!!!)
Added new main menu theme by Moods!

tda 2022 06 23T213342800Z   Copy

Engine: Update to release-20200503
Balance: Removed the adv.power plant research, and added per power plant upgrade (you select the power plant and then click the upgrade).
Balance: In order to upgrade power plants you need a communication center builded.
Visual: new icons for the build menu.
Mod: Added save\load system.
Fixed: Dead animation not showing some times when buildings die.
Balance: Faulty Fail Safe Chance for power plant decresed to 5 and 10 from 15 and 30
Added: Selection sounds for power plant
Changed: GDI sniper isignia icon
Changed: Super Weapons enemy reveal range to be smaller.
Added: bounties on planes.
Fixed: the long standing issue with infantry creating corpse animations when walking on tiberium.
Changed: build radius of con yard into 14.
Changed: vision radius of con yards to 14.
Changed: building placement distance, now players can place everywhere inside their build radius.
Changed: capture blink rate to 10
Changed: engineer capture delay to 4 seconds.
Removed: engineer capture proggress bar.
Changed: lobby options
Changed: MOV to be always available from the con yard.
Changed: walls to disallow placement outside building radius.
Changed: BRIK walls build time to 12 seconds, SBAG 8 and CYCL to 4.
Changed: Nod C17 will now come from the player starting position into the map, also changed speed to be faster.
Visual: Added new explosion effects.

tda 2022 06 23T214627391Z


Engine: Update from release-20180923 to release-20190314 (got help from abcdefg and Mustapha)

Tank you people!

Balance: Units under attacked by flame or chem weapons won't go in to prone any more (if a flamethrower is firing at you, going in to prone wont help you, because you will be dead by then, and the same thing with bio weapons).
Visual: Removed ammo pip from sam site.
Balance: Seperated power plants for each faction.
Balance: Huge number of changes in power, health and value of all buildings.
Balance: Engineers wont fix husks any more.
Balance: Engineers and commando can capture transport helis (they get consume tho) Like in the original TD.
Visual: Added new explosion effect to anti tank mines.
Added: Modified shipyards from ra.
Visual: Added the Nod logo to the sub pen ( including damaged version as always, some times I amaze my self ;).
Added: New tiberium weapon logic, all tiberium weapons do damage over time.
Balance: Chem tank and chem trooper do same damage as their flame weapon counter parts.
Added: New navy units, hovercraft (using the openra asset, I edited tho to fix some visual issues), And added a new gunboat ship (beta).
Visual: added new rallypoint buey for the shipyards.
Visual: added new C17 aircraft for nod.
Mod: Re-organized yaml files by adding new and deleting the old ones.
Mod: I added and changed some traits to be more lets say global and generalized (why i am telling you this? well I am kinda proud of my organizing work I did so far).
Visual: added a soft water animation* to the deeper parts of the water tiles
Fixed: some palette data, nothing visual.
Added: 7 new dificulties for bots. Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard, Impossible, Nightmare
Added: 6 Missing Ford (crossing) tiles in temperat tileset, After painfully converting, cuting, color changing them one by one :'(
Added: A new Category for tiles that are being used as dummy tiles. The new Category name is: System (do Not Use).
Fixed: The following don't use terrain palette any more: Crates, ^TibTree, ^Wall, ^TechBuilding, ^DINO
Added: Imported the full snow tileset from RA, you will ask why not do that for the rest of the tilesets? well have you ever notice why RA terrain color is so.. lets say cold? well if you take a look at the palettes, RA uses less colors for terrain, but TD uses more colors for terrain and that means TD terrain is more colorfull. Since snow comes from RA palette, even if you replace the palette with the TD one(using a program), you will still get an approximation with the same "less" colors, so its the same thing. Not sure how many people know about this.
Added: Power down hotkey.
Balance: Oil Derrick no longer can be repaired after they are destroyed.
Balance: Oil Derrick now gives $500 and only to the first player who captures it.
Balance: Oil Derrick will now give $10 every second.
Fixed: Oil Derrick now uses burn and smoke animation again when gets destroyed.
Fixed: Spellling and typos for renegade and commando icons and description.
Added: RevealOnFire for all artillery type Units.
Fixed: spec ops unit's spreed damage, now the damage area of effect is 0c1.
Balance: Defences or Defenses are no longer capturable.
Added: You can sent supply trucks to enemy players by using ctrl and click.
Fixed: Updated repair\healing logic to a working contidion again.
Added: AI trained units will start with Rank based on thier dificulty, starting from AI Level 5
Added: New Speed option called FTL

Apolyton Streams

Apolyton Streams


Check Tiberian Dawn Apolyton mod Stream by SoScared.

New Gameplay Videos

New Gameplay Videos


I have uploaded new videos to show you my mod in game.

RSS Files
Apolyton Pack 158 (OS X)

Apolyton Pack 158 (OS X)

Full Version 1 comment

Full stand alone version of Tiberium Dawn Apolyton. (Click Read more to read the changelog)

Apolyton Pack 158 (Windows)

Apolyton Pack 158 (Windows)

Full Version 1 comment

Full stand alone version of Tiberium Dawn Apolyton. (Click Read more to read the changelog)

Apolyton Pack 158 (Linux)

Apolyton Pack 158 (Linux)

Full Version 1 comment

Full stand alone version of Tiberium Dawn Apolyton. (Click Read more to read the changelog)

Apolyton Pack 157.1 (Manual Install) (Hot-Fix)

Apolyton Pack 157.1 (Manual Install) (Hot-Fix)


This is a hot fix for the Apolyton Pack 157, copy and overwrite the files over your already installed Apolyton Pack 157 folder. THIS IS NOT A STAND ALONE...

Apolyton Pack 157 (Manual Install)

Apolyton Pack 157 (Manual Install)

Full Version

Manual install version of the mod, follow the directions below.

Apolyton Pack 155 (Manual Install)

Apolyton Pack 155 (Manual Install)

Full Version

This file is for installing manually the mod if you have problems with the installer, If you have accidentally downloaded this I recommend to download...

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Guest - - 693,652 comments

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gigiilmatto - - 629 comments

Two important things are missing. The first is the "not" ability to use zoom. The second is to "not" have the ability to choose the handicap for a team. I hope you intervene by changing these two things. Good work.

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bishibosh - - 137 comments

Love this mod!

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KOYK_GR Creator
KOYK_GR - - 593 comments

Thank you

Reply Good karma+1 vote
KOYK_GR Creator
KOYK_GR - - 593 comments

I am trying to understand how to make installers for mac and linux by using this guide
But unfortunately my limited knowledge on this subject and my bad english and also my dyslexia makes it difficult for me to make it. But I am working on it, it might take time for me to do it, but I hope ill make it at some point. I am sorry for this.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 693,652 comments

You got this!

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KOYK_GR Creator
KOYK_GR - - 593 comments

OK back to work.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
KOYK_GR Creator
KOYK_GR - - 593 comments

I am not going to work on the mod for the next 2 weeks for personal reasons (family time) but after that ill start working on it again, Expect a large update ;)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
TheRookieMaster - - 85 comments

So happy the mod is still very active and being worked on!

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KOYK_GR Creator
KOYK_GR - - 593 comments

Thank you for playing my mod :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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