this is a game about a maniac who is experiencing his internal mental problems due to murders made on gzdoom

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Tragedy Trauma of Affect - Doom 2 Total Conversion



Made in GZDOOM Showing the developments in trauma affect The trauma of Affect was frozen indefinitely due to the lack of manpower, people and experience Thank you very much: Kitato (Drew sprites) Nahzar777 (Concept Art) Wei39 (3d Models) garrisman (Helped various) If you own Zscript and want to work in a team, write to me cryptvoice (Discord)

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New about game


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hi all! long time no news on the game

during this time I have assembled a team of people which includes a screenwriter, artist, programmer things are going well

but the other day a terrible thing happened while saving the project, the light was turned off and the file was damaged, it was not possible to save it, but before that I did another more ambitious project that was made on the basis of Trauma Affect, but now everything is in order, I recreated the project in 2 days in the previous form

as for the plot, it has changed a lot, it has become clearer and clearer with plot twists and ties, which is very good for a game in which you basically have to walk and get scared

now there is a complete remake of the project, what was before it no longer matters as it was deleted or modified

Russian localization is also planned for the game along with English, but so far there are small difficulties with this, which I'm sure sooner or later we will solve

stay in touch and follow the project in our discord server

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The future of the game


Hello everyone, Trauma Affect has not died and in the full process of creation
a lot of things have changed in the past "Prologue" really a lot one of the most important things that has appeared is the plot
also I completely got rid of the dependence of Doom 2 wad and Freedoom 2 wad the game is now completely standalone and will even be released on in a free form.
The game also supports a new gzdoom feature - Discord RTC, which looks really interesting and new.

the game (note I said the game) will be distributed by episodes, along with the new prologue, there will be the first episode. don't worry if there are certain things that were in the prologue that you can download, the new prologue is completely new maps and features.
the game also has a couple of testers who are very happy with the result of the current labors and note the atmospheric locations and the staging of cutscenes (!!!)
there is still a lot of work to be done before the episode is released, there are also no deadlines, but stay in touch and follow the news, my Twitter, and my YouTube channel
Take care of yourself and stay safe!Screenshot Doom 20220310 235852Screenshot Doom 20220320 011452

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teaser demo is available now!!!


demo 2It took me 4 weeks to develop this, the concepts were completely
redesigned, you can download and evaluate the project now!



About the demo version


I think some of you are already interested (at least a little bit in the project) and are waiting for when you can already play this
and it's clear to the fool that you need to play horror and the fact that I post some images does not change the situation
on the mod I work alone, it slows down the process a little, but I work intensively. Until recently, it was a little comic mod about HYPE around "Backrooms", but then I created a couple of locations and realized that I was able to make something much more out of it than just a small mod
from time to time, I throw small non-playable builds to my friends and their attitude to the project is very positive, especially the quality of the project, the oppressive atmosphere and interesting exploration of locations
are noted. I take classic horror games (Silent Hill, Resident Evil, IMSCARED, FEAR, etc.) as a basis.



I think that in a couple of weeks I will be able to come to the demo version, though I can't promise it one hundred percent. I have a lot of work to do and a lot of changes to make.
However, I feel that I will soon be able to show you the gameplay


I want the player to have different emotions
ranging from calmness to suspense,
I'm trying to achieve this effect with sounds and graphics.


The Mod will have its own unique musical accompaniment written by hand,
based on a piano from SaveRooms from "RE", a guitar from Cry Of Fear and strange psychedelic ambients like Silent Hill

The process of creating one of the soundtracks

I hope you are interested in the project follow my twitter and this page
good luck and see you soon

(Translated by Google translator, I apologize in advance for mistakes!)

"damn it, there really is a very strong smell of rotten flesh"