The story unfolds in Marinha Grande on January 18, 1934. A young girl ventures out of her home to pursue a peculiar crowd heading towards the city centre. Her mission is to retrieve the scattered papers that one of the men in the crowd accidentally let slip. These papers hold the key to unravelling the narrative behind the cultural, industrial, or uprising event in Marinha Grande. While in the square, she must evade the military presence to avoid being captured.

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UpRising - DevLog #6

UpRising - DevLog #6


In this UpRising DevLog we will talk about the Main Charcter and publicly disclose our first playable prototype.

UpRising - DevLog #5

UpRising - DevLog #5


In this UpRising DevLog we will talk about the game logo.

UpRising - DevLog #4

UpRising - DevLog #4


In this DevLog we will talk about the enemy AI and a little about the game design decisions behind the game.

UpRising - DevLog #3

UpRising - DevLog #3


In this DevLog we will talk about the game's environment and its general aesthetics.

UpRising - DevLog #2

UpRising - DevLog #2


In this DevLog we will talk about the main Game System of our game, as well as demonstrate the prototype mechanics.

UpRising - DevLog#1

UpRising - DevLog#1


In this DevLog we will announce our new project, talk a little about the game's narrative and show our vision about the game's art.