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Comment History
saintworks - - 17 comments @ SugarMill : Dev Log 8 : 20 weeks

Awesome article - thanks a lot! Keep up the great work and I'm already looking forward to play it!!!
You mentioned that you are using the Quartenion functions and working on performance - I did not check that up, but usually Unity imposes some overhead to run such "in-engine" stuff on the main thread. Eventually, if you take the good old Vector3 calculation this might help to improve performance, if you outsource that to a separate thread - but as mentioned, I'm not sure how much performance improvement such an action would have.
Don't forget the tutorials and ingame hints (OK - it's a insider joke ;-).

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ SugarMill

Ready for voting!!!

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ CitiesCorp Concept - The Ugly Duckling

Well, yes & no :-) Free positioning of roads including adding and deleting of lanes, free building of intersections (I did not post it here, but it's really complicated to build a intersection and I'm still not sure, whether the tools provided by the game are sufficient, sc3k building editor - I did not know it yet, do you have a link? - note, maps cannot be modified - they are just flat for the moment - and yes, economy is inspired by capitalism - I'd say, the actual economy is just a fraction of what capitalism is offering, but the shopping and production is more scaleable.
take care!

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ CitiesCorp Concept - The Ugly Duckling

Hi Vladiskov, I'm not sure whether I understood your question correctly, but I'll try to answer it. Actually, there is no shapegrip, neither for streets nor for buildings - so it will be up to the player to position stuff according to his/her ideas. Some of the fans suggested to add some "orientation" for positioning, like lengths, degrees etc. Actually I like the idea, if someone wants more precision, but it will be rather a support tool. So everything will be free and sandbox. If you build a triangular building, you will be also in the position to put a triangular road around it with as many lanes as you like. Please let me know, whether I could answer your question properly.

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ Life is Feudal: Forest Village

wow, the depth is amazing and sounds very interesting! Thanks.
I'm really happy to see that someone takes care about pushing game-depth further :-)

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ Life is Feudal: Forest Village

Hi Guys,
first things first, the game looks awesome - but as mentioned by other posters, what is the difference to Banished? I see some details in the screenshots, but even the menus look very similar.
Pls, let us know what is the difference!
Will follow the dev. All the best.

Good karma+5 votes
saintworks - - 17 comments @ Slurping Dead - 2nd Demo

looks awesome - all the best!!!

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ Sugarmill - City builder - Dev Log 3: Mar 10th: Steam Greenlight! Date is set

Awesome - really challenging and I'm really looking forward to vote for it at Steam! All the best.

Good karma+2 votes
saintworks - - 17 comments @ CitiesCorp Concept - Build Everything on Your Own

:-) awesome comment, thank you. Yes, there are just very few games that are considering this paradox.

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ CitiesCorp Concept - Build Everything on Your Own

Thank you very much - doing my best.
Have a great weekend

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ CitiesCorp Concept - Testing GamePlay

Great, I really hope it works out for you. I'm looking forward to read your next update.

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ CitiesCorp Concept - Testing GamePlay

Hi, thanks a lot for your kind comment.
You tested also SugarMill recently - congrats to the 100 bug free years - keep on the work. I know how hard it can be and I'm already very curious :-).

Good karma+2 votes
saintworks - - 17 comments @ CitiesCorp Concept - The Ugly Duckling

How awesome, Lübeck! - unfortunately I haven't been there,yet, but the coastline of the Baltic Sea is something really special. Some few years ago I was on my way from Hamburg to Rostock and I was considering to stop by, but unfortunately I didn't make it - I had to rush back to Hamburg (on a German Autobahn!!! ok, with a Citroen, so no rush possible :-)

Referring to CitiesCorp, also the "Hanse-Style" is something really impressive (and very challenging to code btw).

Teaser wording - interesting aspect. I was aware that it might be pretty depreciated or, respectively, also too aggressive - frankly, I do not know what will happen if more people start to read or play this game and whether they might start to criticize "of not fulfilling the promise". Good point, let's discuss it via mail.

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ CitiesCorp Concept - The Ugly Duckling

Na dann können wir gleich auf Deutsch umsteigen :-) Beste Grüße aus den Vororten von Wien - für die Community, falls es sich jemand durchliest, sollten wir dennoch bei Englisch bleiben :-)

You are absolutely right - keeping a system in order to build cities is something very important - but it has to be a different user experience... and I'm still considering to go into it, but I do not want the players to fall back into the existing city games behaviours :-)
There is an additional aspect, and I think you will figure it out pretty quickly - when you start to build a street system you start automatically to consider the traffic jams - and your set up will matter, because the cars are chosing the closest route (in future, in far future, I plan also to implement speed limits in order to influence traffic) - CitiesCorp is even more strict than other games, although, so far, there is no "punishment" to have traffic jams - so, also the behaviour in setting of buildings changes (you will build smaller houses on purpose, because your streets wont make it and you won't be in the position to afford a change etc. etc.) At least this is what I've noticed when I was testing it - I had to switch on my brain and suddenly my city looked completely different than I was used to see in other games :-)
To make the long story short, because I call this game "Concept" it will be open to any amendment - so far even most of the databases survived the polishing process (OK, the buildings changed, so this required a new set up). And implementing features is peanuts in my view, so I'm going definitely to do something.
I you don't mind, I'll put you on my list for beta-testers - I really appreciate your inputs.
If it's OK with you, please just drop me a mail to, so that I don't forget issue a key, once it's done :-)

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ CitiesCorp Concept - The Ugly Duckling

Yes, it's more lego style or sandbox, if you like - with that, not a single corner of the city should look the same. It's definitely more time consuming, because in other games you can build faster, but once an area has been populated, I hope that the players will be very proud of it.

I had to smile when you mentioned Capitalism - because only experienced players are noticing that :-) Yes, the whole economy is leaned on this concept, because in my view this is the best economic simulation that has been ever created and there are not many brave people who are getting through this game. Frankly speaking, during testing, I had also my problems to keep the account balanced :-)

Thank you for your suggestions - they are awesome and I have them also on my agenda. So far, frankly speaking, I'm also still thinking how to do it "differently", so that's why I did not move into it (yet) - but once I get enlighten, I hope I'll be in the position to come up with a cool idea.

For the streets, you mentioned the consistent patterns - this is an important aspect - maybe you have noticed that, but I skipped completely the support grids - without a grid, cities are becoming more "European" as I use to call it :-). But having particular street shapes is very nice and useful as well - so my idea for making a patch is to deliver more information about lengths and angles, so that the player can "shape/grid" the area into any form he or she would like to have it - this could be even more precise than any solution that I've seen so far in such games. Let's see.

Thanks for watching the progress - please let me know, if you have some comments.

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ CitiesCorp Concept - The Ugly Duckling

Hi, thanks a lot for your feedback.
So far, I did not record a new gameplay video with the new buildings artwork, but to get an idea what is CitiesCorp Concept all about, eventually you might be interested in my old video, recorded once I got the first textures changed (the difference today is a slight change in handling of the building).

The "difference" in a nutshell:
- The buildings are scaleable, by dragging, pulling them and whatsoever, so it's one building that you can mess around with (in contrast to zoning, like in other games),
- the streets are also not pre-designed - you have to put together your roadnetwork (the cool thing is, you have to influence the traffic by setting signs),
- and finally the economy - you have to assign a function to every building, e.g. a shop or a factory and start to set up an own production, sales process.

In case you have some further questions or comments, please post them here.

Good karma+1 vote
saintworks - - 17 comments @ Skylimit Tycoon

Great idea and concept - keep on working, I'll follow the development

Good karma+4 votes