After ⅩⅧ Years, finally a true bot support is available for Gears Of War Ⅰ.


After ⅩⅧ Years, finally a true bot support is available for Gears Of War Ⅰ.

A.I. Bot Support
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darkelf1 - - 440 comments

How about add more life to teamates, they died soon in horde,lol...and more ammo...

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Punished_Wolf Author
Punished_Wolf - - 87 comments

Your wish comes true, check my last update
AI Teammates infinite ammo and max health capacity is now increased !

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Null.dll - - 4 comments

you are an digital angel mate!

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usarmyguy100 - - 83 comments

hey man, thanks for this, i know its a passion project, but this is honestly one of my favorite ways to play gears

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

is there a way to open source this gem ?

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darkelf1 - - 440 comments


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EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments

To play against bots i'm forced to get online? Wtf... I would like to click and play against bots, no needing to get online. An TRULLY offline multiplayer against bots game.

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EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments

One more thing: COGs MUST DIE! Locust Supremacy HERE!!!

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Punished_Wolf Author
Punished_Wolf - - 87 comments

It’s fully offline, what are you saying ?

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EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments

Sorry... You just.... You just did :')
Offline multiplayer bots lover here :') In almost two decades, i played almost all my favorite games with modded offline bots. Most of them i'm not happy (CoDWaW, CoDMW) because most of them have retarded bots, bots that acts as ducks in a park. They don't take objectives properly, and when take, don't defend it. Most of them are like retard zombies carrying a rifle. For the first time in my pc gamer history, i'm seeing one guy making an unbelievable mod... With aggressive murderers bots. They fight hard for objectives, take by force, defend it till death. Now, the "duck in the park" it's me :') I JUST STILL CAN'T BELIEVE. I'm being "rapped by bots" right now in your mod kkk. For the first time i'm seeing bots in "hard dificult set mode" really trully unstoppable kkk. I had to decrease the game dificult because they are like war mad devils. Belive in me: you are the kind of guy capable of make Gears of War 2 and 3 runs on pc without emulators. Just do it!! And become a "Legend 2.0", because you are already a Legend. Why not to take a look in the Call of Duty World at War and Call of Duty Modern Warfare, and give that bots some brain?! YOU CAN! Hail the Locust!!!

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Punished_Wolf Author
Punished_Wolf - - 87 comments

Thanks for the compliments!

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EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments

Hey Legend! Whats up?! I'm not complaining about anything, but after THOUSANDS of hours playing your mod right after discover it two days ago, i'm noticing something you can maybe, fine tune it a little bit. Believe in me: i'm strongly sensitive about this things, and i'm rarely wrong when i notice some fine details. Lets go: you can have unbelievable fun playing any of the difficulty game modes - casual, hardcore and insane (I played each one of them, thousand of hours #ANEX ONLY# I love objectives game modes, and hate TDM-like game modes). 1 - In CASUAL GAME MODE -> (the most unrealistic game mode) they (They =COGs. I play as Locust only) "normal run" mostly (normal run=run without space key) (they rarely SPACE run), walk tactically and receive most of the shots i shoot them, and they strafe or cover from my shots in a moderated way. 2 - HARDCORE GAME MODE -> they (COGs enemy bots) acts fairly well. They are tactical, and act normally, do everything perfect in a acceptable way (to be honest, HARDCORE and INSANE GAME MODE are fantastically perfect talking about how the enemy bots (COGs) acts, in the battlefield). 3 - INSANE GAME MODE -> It's ******* real! They are not bots! They are real people fighting hard do defend their lives and objectives! They SPACE run like hell, they strafe (jump side) or hide themselves (COVER) in the very first shots that hit them, fight brutally to take objectives, and are satisfyingly tactical when talking about defending the objectives they take. Resuming: all the difficulty game modes are perfectly set and balanced (talking about how they move in the battlefield) to the three different types of players, but there's a thing in the three game modes that makes me sick: I spend most of the half of my bullets (with the assault rifle) on them to kill them, while they kill me in single "vrooom" (in a second, in blink of the eye), and i rarely have time to cover, strafe or even shoot back. I don't know how will be playing as COGs, because i play Locust only, but the damage they cause shooting me is very high, independently how game mode difficulty you chose. Well, i don't have the right to ask you anything, seeing that you already did miracles - being in the TOP of all offline multiplayer bots i already played. But the truth is that the "VROOOM! be killed in a blink of the eye" thing, is killing a little some of the experience of playing the mod. I'm not a "super hero player", but i'm not a bad player also. I'm 45 years old and most of the games i played, theres "shoot" involved. I'm not a bad player at all, and i know i'm talking about. Just a fast "VROOOOM", you are dead, independently the game mode difficulty you chose. Maybe you can fine tune this a little bit. Don't touch the way they act or move on each game mode difficulty, because is perfect talking about different type of player skills, but the "machine side/AI side" damage is clearly overpowered, killing you in a blink of the eye, while you need almost the full clip to kill them. I don't know how is playing against Locust, but playing against COGs, is clearly noticeable. Sorry my bad English, it's not my native language. Good work, buddy, and one more time: THANKS FOR THIS MIRACLE!! And one more time: try to mod Gears 2 and 3 tweaking files to run them on PC!!! JUST YOU CAN!!!!!

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Ston3Cold - - 26 comments

WTF are you talking about? You can play vs bots offline, no issue whatsoever. You are not forced to play online.

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EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments

Yeah, i was completely wrong.

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Kraftwerk[Ger] - - 45 comments

Ah it is here, the other link has not worked. I will check it ASAP.

And always darkelf1 is first ^^. I wish you all a merry christmas time.

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darkelf1 - - 440 comments

i followed all gow titles,busy playing gow 2,3 judge now, and uploaded all the maps...

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H4RP00N770Xv2 - - 19 comments

"Additional characters in previous 1.3.6 version are now exclusives to New Hope." Does this mean Onyx Guard, Barrick, Helmetless Theron and Theron Elite aren't there anymore? :(

Edit: It's saddening they're not their anymore. Aw well, I do hope that New Hope comes out in time, so I can enjoy playing as the other characters. I'd enjoy Savage Drone and Aaron Griffin, if they were there for instance.

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Punished_Wolf Author
Punished_Wolf - - 87 comments

New Hope is gonna be full of new content from other Gears games people like you would love it. Since I'm in collab with New Hope team, I've decided A.I. Bot Support build to offer a more classic experience for G1 fans.

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H4RP00N770Xv2 - - 19 comments

Ah... I see...

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

Controller support?

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

nevermind steam was glitching controller

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

how'd you get it to work

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

Damn!! :)

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

Respect your choice to remove the extra characters to keep it more vanilla but could you keep Barrick in since he is a prequel character and so the characters are at an even 8 or at least Carmine B for variety?
(and maybe Savage Grenadier Elite for the 1 extra Locust)

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Punished_Wolf Author
Punished_Wolf - - 87 comments

As explained in the description, Those characters are now exclusive to New Hope Project.

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

There aren't any other prequel characters that aren't exclusive to A New Hope like Paduk you can use?

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

how to turn off 60 fps cap?i turn 120 fps in game settings, but msi afterburner shows 60 fps

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

oh i got it.anyway, thanks for great hob and good luck in new hope development!

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Kraftwerk[Ger] - - 45 comments

Hey punished_wolf, i have also a question about the fps cap. It worked fine but it is always few frames more. Means: 62, 122, 146 Fames and so on. I have caped it with the nvidia driver to 141 because of G-Sync. Without this i have tearing. No idea how it is with AMD cards but with nvidia it must be always 3 frames under the monitor freshrate for best results. Maybe you can fix this in a future update. But still full 10/10 for your mod! Sorry english is not my native...

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

Hi, thanks for this great mod! All works fine, but I have some issues in multiplayer, second player who joined into host game can't roll over at all, only can run and stick to cover. Can I fix it somehow? It looks like bug of animation.

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Samik101 - - 13 comments

+1 buddy, also cannot sprint and jump over obstacles unfortnately, still waiting for a fix :(

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

hey after downloading the mod I've received a notification saying that I was missing these files
not sure what's going on but I had followed the read me page
big fan of the first gears game and I would love to try this out!!!

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

yeah me too i even looked up the files and put them in the folder and it still didn't work.

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

Yeah I followed the guide on the readme txt ain’t it didn’t work I’m not sure why it’s not working it’s keep me asking for those same files and I downloaded them that didn’t work either I need help I really want to play this

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Punished_Wolf Author
Punished_Wolf - - 87 comments

Try Installing this DirectX SDK :

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

That got it to work thanks man

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Guest - - 693,549 comments


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jointguy23 - - 181 comments

it would be amazing if this ever gets campaign update with somekind of coop in it,it would be the perfect gears of war game ever

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Punished_Wolf Author
Punished_Wolf - - 87 comments

Campaign is up !

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

yeah so when i run the game that was in the zip folder, I go to versus, create a match in local network, and when I press enter, it crashes.

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Punished_Wolf Author
Punished_Wolf - - 87 comments

New update is available, try this one

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

Thanks for adding back in pausing, it is really needed playing solo horde when you don't have anyone to cover you.

Quick question is there any new added weapons or any other additions not listed in the patch notes like last time?
(did you add the GZ18 Markza by any chance and will the new weapons be usable in campaign?)

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

Wait you removed the new weapons now too??...

I appreciate your work but the removing content every new update ontop of the constant resetting .ini files every time you launch the mod is starting to get annoying..

The removed characters were at least just cosmetic,
but the new weapons added some much needed variety to Gears 1.

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Punished_Wolf Author
Punished_Wolf - - 87 comments

Sorry but those were unfinished and testing features for NH.

I kept only the flamethrower for Horde to beat the Berserker on maps HOD is not possible to use.

This is an alternative to NH for G1 hardcore fans.

You will have to wait for NH if you aren't happy with my version.

This is goddamn free, I'm spending a lot of my free time to work on it. You have to learn having some respect for dev/modders. We're not AAA studios don't forget that.

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RAtAGP - - 15 comments

When I installed this mod, it switched the game language to English, how do I change it back?

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Punished_Wolf Author
Punished_Wolf - - 87 comments

It's standalone as written in the description ! You messed up your retail version !

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RAtAGP - - 15 comments

Oops, you're right. You should put that text bigger (either way I found this mod after installing retail to check if the game had bots). Question: Do you know why Borderless Gaming shows the executable with a name written in some kind of asian language?
EDIT: Nvm, it was some weird bug I had after messing up my retail install.
Btw, how do I change the voice language? I changed the text language through WarEngine.ini but that didn't do it for the voices.
EDIT 2: Changing the language was a bad idea. The new options added (including bots) aren't working. Yikes.

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Guest - - 693,549 comments

Well, what I did was change the voices and not the texts. I replaced the sound files and maps with sounds and maps in my language, the texts are in English, but the voices are in my language ..

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angel-summer-1997 - - 5 comments

como lo hiciste bro?
EDIT: llegue a cambiar de idioma tanto textos como dialogos

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Fermín_Fonseca - - 62 comments

What exactly did they update yesterday?

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Punished_Wolf Author
Punished_Wolf - - 87 comments

Not much a missing sound file for Annex gametype.

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