Mod Tester and Mod binder. I make Doom 1&2 maps occasionally for my own testing purposes. Binds and combines Doom mods to create new episodes.

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Starship Troopers Horde Mode Pics: 20/12/2021

Zappiersphinx15 Blog

More ST pics: 20/12/2021

All the white dots around the outpost indicate a warrior or some kind of bug. The super white spam in the middle is where I got overrun by flyers and warriors. I didn't survive. =(

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This one..well. Here they come! BUGS! WE GOT BUGS!

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I think I have a bug problem.

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and as it is written. The bugs overran the Outpost and the single marine, though fearless..Perished by the swarm.

No cheats either. Total Bug count: 1257 bugs over 5 waves.

Looking for some beta testers.

Latest projects in development - 20/12/2021

Zappiersphinx15 Blog

Disclaimer: All modded content here within this blog post belongs to the rightful owners and respected as such. *I used their content to make new maps ONLY* Limited original artwork "If any" portrayed in the images were the result of myself. Maps portrayed within the blog were created by me.

First Blog post: 20/12/2021

Latest projects:

I downloaded a series of texture and wad resources from *here* and I was able to make some beautiful work.

First up, we have a very cool sci-fi favorite of mine. Starship Troopers for Doom. Props to the creator(s) for all their hard work on the sprites, sounds, models etc etc. Thanks to your efforts guy(s) I was able to make a variant horde mode based on the Whiskey Outpost on Planet-P. This mode accommodates up to 4 players with available weapons and secret places to find additional armaments during the course of the game. With a total of 5 waves getting more difficult each time, survival isn't guaranteed on the maximum difficulty setting. Even with a squad of 4. Use your weapons carefully, time your grenades, place mines in tactical positions, use your nukes sparingly.

....And don't die. Seriously....don't die. You'll spawn back at the start point only to be overrun by the bugs as you try to get back to the safety of the outpost.


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Next up is my first attempt at a campaign episode. A megawad I've aptly titled;

"Doom - The Athena Missions"

Custom gun, monster and doodad sprites are pulled from and I can't remember but I think the Doom 3 texture pack was as well? I've had a lot of fun, frustration, irritation, ANGER TO THROW THE KEYBOARD and more.

So in short, you're a marine. Duh...brought out of Cryo-Sleep aboard the Space Station Athena. Hellish creatures have taken over the Station above Mars. You instantly feel enraged because as soon as you leave your stasis pod you inherit a berserk pack. You then go on a rampage of ripping and slaughtering anything that stands in your way. There's lots of ammo and monsties to empty it all into plus some nice weapons to throw in your pack along the way. You might even find some nice little tribute weapons from other iconic FPS games. Such as the Duke Shotgun *Pictured* "Another shotgun! What's a Duke Nukem?" and other surprises.

So far, I've only managed to get halfway through the first episode and with 10 levels, compared to the original doom .wads of 8 maps + 1 secret level. It will be a different spin and taste compared to the original. For the best results here, ensure your dynamic lights are switched on and refrain from using any light amps unless supplied. I'm talking to you, yes you! Those scared of the dark. IT'S DARK FOR A REASON!

One more thing...Those suffering from epilepsy or sensitivity to pulsing or blinking lights, Sorry to say but you should avoid my .wad. I don't want to be responsible for seizures from playing my wad. The Athena missions maps are still in their infancy as there are so many elements I need to install still. Such as ambient sounds, custom menu sprite work, custom music and so forth. I'm hoping to have the first episode completely ready by April/May 2022.

Thanks Slayers!

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