There is an island that had a dark secret. A terrible epidemic had started to occur only, but a few months ago. A horrendous and violent infection had began to spread all across the island attacking anything or anyone in it's path with tremendous speed and savage force leaving few survivors in it's wake. You have to get out of there, hiding away in some cave formations has done you good so far...

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 34)

A great mod that is very unique and different than what we are accustomed to.

The tone is bleak and the atmosphere is gloomy. You feel very lonely traveling through very well made maps that are extremely reminiscent of some sections of HL2. I saw details in architechture that is clearly inspired by both the released version and the leaked beta of that game. Unrelated, the final map is one if not the best urban/city map I have ever seen.

This is a slow mod, you don't even get a weapon until the fourth map and even then there aren't many battles here, the mod isn't about action but instead puzzle solving. Speaking of puzzles, they mostly involve pushing boxes and drums to make platforms or grabbing a satchel and using it to clear obstacles. Nothing exciting but also nothing terrible. Towards the end soldiers start showing up and you use your extremely limited arsenal (crowbar,revolver,shotgun) to deal with them.

Overall, this is a different experience with enough gameplay to be recognizable as an HL mod instead of being a walking simulator. If you're looking for action, dodging bullets and headcrabs while bringing down choppers with rockets this isn't the mod for you. If you want something calmer that is a combination of horror/platforming/puzzle solving you'll like Dead Sector.


I'm still amazed by what this mod had to offer.
There were puzzles, jumping parts and a bit of horror involved.
I really liked the shore-cave-design and the ship/containeryard parts.
Especially the little wooden planks-running parts held such an athmosphere. I didn't encounter one single glitch or texture clipping.
Some puzzles were pretty hard, but I solved almost all of them myself.
This mod also was hard. Most of the time I was down to approx. 10 hp.

Another great factor is that you only had a crowbar and a shotgun.
This added challenge to the whole thing and made the enemies more fearsome.
Great work, although I'm not czech and couldn't understand most of the texts.

very good leveldesign!


Surprisingly good mod. I really like the atmosphere and the feeling of being overrun at first not having a weapon and then only a crowbar fighting dozens of zombies.

The first few chapters with the lighthouse and the sea are amazing.

Good puzzles and enemies placements near exploding barrels are a nice touch.

The strong sides of this mod are its overall gloominess and good design of puzzles. But towards the end its gameplay starts to feel very repetitive and ends on an abrupt note.


MafiaChickenMob says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

I'm giving this mod a 10/10 rating because it is the best one I've came across in such a very long time. The atmosphere was as it should be in a horror mod. The idea of using satchels to destroy doors was different, but it was very interesting. From the horror side it wasn't such a scary mod. I think the main factor of this mod is it's puzzles which were sincerely enjoyable to solve. The mod was in a Czech language and I had no problem with it. The level design was simple and not many elements were used. I liked it. If there would be someone to remake this mod in English it would be great. 10/10 Great job developer/s

pretty damn good mod i love it!
Jen tak dal pane!

Im sorry but yhis mod is totaly crap, i hae been everywhere and theres nowhere to go, this mod totaly bores me.


Long time no played in a balanced, atmospheric and interesting mod. But not enough ambient sounds. Duration of the last levels are extremely low. 8/10, good job!

Už nehrál vyvážené, atmosférické a zajímavé módy. Ale ne dost okolní zvuky. Doba posledních úrovně jsou extrémně nízké. 8/10, dobrá práce!

Good atmospheric zombie-mod.