Calradia 1050 A.D.: Mercenary Uprising is a single-player mod for Mount & Blade Warband 1.166 and higher. Calradia 1050 A.D. Mercenary Uprising V. 3.0 is built on the following major modifications for Warband: *Diplomacy 4.2. *Pre-Battle Orders and Deployment (PBOD).92 including Formations. *Freelancer 1.51. (with several fixes from Floris 2.55 and some modified code by me). *JacobHinds improved morale and routing system code. *Three added factions (Keltons, Khergiz, and Geroians). *My own modification of troop recruiting including town and castle recruitment and manor recruitment as well as customizable troops and extensively re-worked faction troops. *** The mod also includes several popular OSP kits and codes, including bridge battles, tavern animations, banking, outposts, recruitment from castles, and the salt mine. *** The mod has added a good number of armor,weapons, and horses from various OSPs as well as many of my own work.

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Version 4.0 is uploading!

  1. Changelist for Version 4.0

Version 4.0 is a full standalone mod. This changelist reflects only the changes made since Version 3.0. and the two patches for Version 3.0.

Calradia 1050 A D  Mercenary Uprising V4.0 FULL

Gameplay Changes

  • Proper implementation of Jacob Hinds’ Morale and Routing code. The code now works as intended and reduces battle lag.
  • Added JRider’s Expanded Nobility Title System with my modifications.
  • Added option to start as a vassal- code modified from KAOS Political kit by Lazerus.
  • Option to choose which side to join in battle by Mordechai.
  • Extended Prisoner Chat (modified) by Mordachai.
  • Added horse archer AI from 1257 A.D. (modified by me).
  • New Faction Relations report format by JRider to better show all nine factions.
  • Added my own code for recruitment from training grounds (peasant men).
  • Added my own code to permit hiring of trained archers in castles/towns if you are part of that faction.
  • Increased potential battle size to 300 by modifying mission templates and module.ini (lead charge only).
  • Fixed smaller faction aristocracy issues (ages, etc.) made changes to the three small factions so that there are 4 fathers instead of 3 and ages of lords and ladies are more realistic. Also modified some the NPC lord faces for these factions.
  • Renamed the Kelton faction to Balion in keeping with the game lore. Renamed the Khergiz faction back to Khergit.
  • Modified character creation menu to focus on proficiencies relating to choices made in character creation and on equipment given at game start to player.

Troops Changes

I made a good number of troop changes, not all of which I have documented. You can view the troops trees in game to see the troops and their equipment. The most important changes are:

  • All troops have been made tougher (better weapons proficiencies and higher iron flesh).
  • I created new armors or improved existing armors for each faction, especially for Khergits and Geroians.
  • Expanded the mercenary lines with new troops and new armors.
  • Expanded the “honor troops” types.
  • Added ranged troops in the Custom Troop tree.

Scene Changes

  • Using the Native Warband Siege Scenes Pack by Lord Samuel. If you don’t like these scenes, you can replace with native scenes.
  • Added different castle for Geroians (created by: Ted from Ted’s Oasis Scene).
  • Added 1 new village for Khergits, Balions, and Geroians.
  • Added snowy bushes to snow areas- used native flora retextured.
  • Added desert bushes to desert areas- used native flora as well as CWE flora from their OSP.
  • Added The Bowman’s custom battle scenes. There are 10 scenes for each terrain type and the game selects the scene at random. These are fairy large battle maps.

Graphics Changes

  • Reverted back to Native Warband skyboxes.
  • Reverted back to Native Warband grass meshes (instead of taller grass meshes).
  • Women’s faces: new textures by Aquil and mesh by xPearce.
  • Some new hair styles from Modders Hair team ThrottleKitty, Ren, and Rosesim.

Streamlining the Mod

I wanted to reduce the load on the PC so I modified or removed various things, including:

  • Removed More Metal Sounds- revert to native sounds plus Dedal’s tavern music.
  • For sound files, converted native ogg formats to wav format to improve performance.
  • Removed the Permanent Camp coding from mod.
  • Removed unused meshes, materials, and textures from BRFs.

MISC Fixes

  • Fixed the new map banners not waving.
  • Better implementation of the morale & routing code by Jacob Hinds (I corrected the errors I made in implementing Jacob’s great code).
  • Possible fix to feasts bug that produced some OPCODE errors for some players.
  • Fixed fort demolition issue (Tocan's Fix from Taleworlds Forum).

Known Bugs

  • Some poems result in glitches with some Balion, Khergiz, and Gerioan ladies. I haven’t determined the cause (Either "no relation" or a relationship of -100).
  • Opcode errors after player raids villages. I haven't discovered the cause of this problem and it doesn't seem to affect game-play.



Update 12 Sep 2021

Update 12 Sep 2021


This update is to describe some of the key changes made since the last Dev. Diary.

Calradia 1050 A.D. Ver. 3 Patch 2 Information

Calradia 1050 A.D. Ver. 3 Patch 2 Information


Patch 2 was released August 1. Patch 2 is not save-game compatible and does not include most of the work I have done since July 2020. The patch primarily...

Dev Diary for version 3.1

Dev Diary for version 3.1


I am working on a few fixes and changes that will become version 3.1. I discuss the changes below.

Re-compressed zip file for Version 3 is uploaded

Re-compressed zip file for Version 3 is uploaded


Re-compressed file for Version 3 is available for download. I recommend all players download the new file. Update: uploaded a newer re-compression on...

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Calradia 1050 A D  V  4.0  Patch 1

Calradia 1050 A D V 4.0 Patch 1


This patch addresses the issue of not being able to hire your culture's troops from castles you own once you become king of your own faction. This also...

Fixed alternate module.ini for version 4.0

Fixed alternate module.ini for version 4.0


Use this file if you do not have the Viking Conquest license. If you have the previous version of this alternate module.ini, delete that version and replace...

Outdated- do not use

Outdated- do not use


This is a modified module.ini file for players who don't have a license for Viking Conquest and are asked for registration keys when trying to play Calradia...

Calradia 1050 A D  V. 4.0 - Hotfix 1

Calradia 1050 A D V. 4.0 - Hotfix 1


This hotfix is a new "scripts.txt" file. This fix addresses two issues reported by players. The first is an opcode error pertaining to the faction marshal...

Calradia 1050 A D  Mercenary Uprising V4.0 FULL

Calradia 1050 A D Mercenary Uprising V4.0 FULL

Full Version 41 comments

I. Installation This is a full standalone version of Ver. 4.0. Earlier versions of the mod are not needed. To install this version, extract the “Calradia...

Patch 2 for Calradia 1050 A.D. Ver. 3.0

Patch 2 for Calradia 1050 A.D. Ver. 3.0

Patch 31 comments

Patch 2 is not save-game compatible with v3.0 saves. This patch is not a full module. It contains only the files, resources, textures, and objects that...

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ProtoWario - - 12 comments

--Player advice, bug reports, certain issues, balancing recommendations, and other thoughts on Calradia 1050 A.D.: Mercenary Uprising--

1. For those wondering how to tweak the Unit Size to be 300, first go to your rgl.config file in Warband documents and then set "battle_size = 1.5000" (specifically for this mod). Recommend starting as one of the new factions on the Southern Continent, it's lot more interesting than seeing Swadia get divided up once more. Can the modder explain to me how to entertain troops, keep seeing the popup?

2. Stated the above because Record Battle Size in the mod options seems to show 300 as the maximum, but only allows about 225 troops within the Battle itself. Onto the Map size in Battle, it's totally massive which makes getting to the action feel like labor. I've tried tweaking this to no avail, this is presently my biggest issue with the mod.

3. This proves to be frustrating with the limited reinforcement waves, one has to fight several battles to achieve victory, you could probably increase this value by 2. Also siege battles appear to cap the Unit Size at 150, don't know whether this is intentional or not, but it does make things not as possibly epic. For some reason certain musicians do not play music.

4. Be of the opinion that you should raise the amount of throwing projectiles by half while increasing the weight by half too, this way the weapon and these units can be more viable. Towns should have their mercantile threshold doubled, quite a chore having to sell stuff to folks with less than a 1000 in cash, advice even tripling it.

This is a real minor one, but I would like to see more food options, foods like dates and wine could perhaps be edible, just for more variety. An important suggestion of mine is disabling the dust effect in particle_systems file, this is the prime cause for lag in battles. A hidden problem that appears in many mods I find, if you want I can sent you the changes in PM, along with some of my other tweaks.

5. Very much like the new Companions (four I believe), decent backstory fitting the Mercenary theme this mod has going. Rejoice that they are all professional soldiers unlike the useless ones introduced in Floris.

Really support what you did for the Rhodoks and Khergits, they look amazing with their new gear. The former has the whole Hillmen motif going for them and the latter just appears like a menacing Horde coming your way.

The faction I think with the least adjustments would be the Sarranids. Their regulars has been a unpleasant sight to fight, what with their samey appearance from Native. The outfit of their lords can be randomly wacky at times too, it seems that those in the Sultanate don't have any taste for aesthetics.

6. Oh boy it took a while to write this, hope some of this can be used in the development.

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Redleg99 Creator
Redleg99 - - 970 comments

Thanks again for the feedback. Some of the points you make I have addressed in my current work-in-progress version. I will address each of the points below.

1. Battle size- the highest recommended battle size for Warband is 300. Even with that set as the max size, fewer troops than that will spawn, due to the reinforcement waves. For my current WIP version, I have increased the number of waves. Also, if you use WSE2 to play the mod, you have a much bigger range to set for battle size. The second point, about entertainment skill, is that entertainment bonuses are given when your party is at rest in the field.

2. This pertains also to battle size, which I addressed above.

3. This pertains to reinforcement waves, which I have doubled in the WIP version for regular field battles but not for sieges. The tavern minstrels all play their instruments but the other musicians may not. I will need to check the coding on this.

4. I will consider the throwing weapons issue. I guess it comes down to what is realistic. As for the food, in my WIP version, I have added hunting for boar and for deer and boar and deer meat will show up in the store inventories.

5. I have further tweaked the 4 new companions and have given two of them different back-stories. Their skills and proficiencies have also changed a little. Rest assured that they are still quite useful! Thank you on the positive comment about Rhodok and Khergits gear. I have since made some improvements, not only to their stuff but to all the other factions. I have also added new lord civilian outfits for some of the factions as well as some new armors for the Sarranids.

I certainly welcome all input, feedback, suggestions, etc., with the caveat that I may not include them in the mod. The more I add and change, the longer it takes to complete the WIP version. I think you will find my WIP version to your liking when I do get a chance to release it. I won't promise a date but I am nearer to the completion than to the start.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
tcwjm - - 54 comments


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Redleg99 Creator
Redleg99 - - 970 comments

There is no discord for this mod.

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TheBigCrow - - 51 comments


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Redleg99 Creator
Redleg99 - - 970 comments

Yes. I am making a few more changes/tweaks and working on the change list. I will post the change list soon, probably as an article.

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ProtoWario - - 12 comments

So I finally decided give this mod a try after what a decade of development, it's about time to play and review "Calradia 1050 A.D.: Mercenary Uprising". Let's go ahead with my critical thoughts on this mod, hopefully the creator sees these as suggestions rather than me being a opinionated jerk.

Firstly the needed improvements. I agree with the common sentiment in the comments on just how terrible the female textures are, not to exaggerate but that they all have the same plastic look to them. The menu loading screens could definitely be something better than a screenshot with a blurry filter.

There are things from Native that have not been touched on, the script for example could've use some editing. Now I get this is supposed to be a Vanilla+ mod, but important things like party size and troop recruitment could have had their values changed. Of course one can do those things for themselves, I've done it and wouldn't mind sharing my tweaks with the creator or anyone else here.

This is more subjective, but I would've liked to have heard some new songs. As music sets the adventuring mood for a game, and I think most folks have gotten tired of Warband OST (still excellent). Perhaps Floris mod soundtrack could be used instead, 1257 AD atmosphere (middle ages) is quite good too.

Now on to the good points. I like the three new factions and their given lore, it's refreshing to not see yet another Samurai faction added. The mod is very stable & clean, I can see that the Modder put a lot of time & effort in balancing & designing things.

My observation is that "Calradia 1050 A.D.: Mercenary Uprising" feels like it could really be the best Vanilla+ mod out there. I've tried many such mods and they're either very buggy or unnecessarily bloated. This mod deserves more attention, and with more updates I can see it rated beyond well.

End this review with an appraisal to the creator of this mod, not easy to have develop a mod for this many years. My quest is that I will help with playtesting and the seeking of bugs.

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Redleg99 Creator
Redleg99 - - 970 comments

Thanks for the sincere feedback. I have actually reverted back to the native warband female faces and have tried out various other music mods. I think that those are things that can be left up to the player to change since they generally don't require any coding of the module system. The mod also does include changes to party size, based on the fiefs you hold, as well as various changes to troop recruitment. The forthcoming version has additional changes including a new weather system options and other things players might find good to have.

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ProtoWario - - 12 comments

--The story for this mod-- (found on the documents, thought posting this might interest people)

It is the year 1050 in Calradia. The Calradian Empire has just recently collapsed after years of battles with the invaders and bloody internal revolts. The upstart kingdoms are fighting to hold onto their own lands and to grab some of their neighbors' lands. The Kindgom of Swadia occupies what was the western part of the old Empire while The Eastern Province occupies what was the Eastern part. The Nords and the Vaegirs have secured their own lands and are threatening Swadia from the north and north-east. The Rhodoks have split from the Swadians and have formed a republic to the south and are now butting up against the newcomer Sarranids, who are eager to expand their own kingdom into the lands north of the great desert. They are preparing to mount a counter-offensive to the north and east to regain their lands.

But there are other forces at work in Calradia. Three mercenary peoples have grown in strength and are now threatening their neighbors in Calradia. The Balion Folcland, many of whom fought ably as mercenaries for the Old Empire, retreated to the fertile lands south of Shariz along the coast when the Old Empire finally fell into ruin. They built a town and four strong castles and prospered in the years since the fall of the Empire. Their troops are seasoned, well trained, and tough, having very good infantry, archers, and skirmishers. Their castles are well-manned and their leaders are eager to take war to their former enemies. The Balions have recently captured Starfall Castle from the Sarranids.

In the far eastern steppes, the Khergit Tribe, long serving as auxillary troops to the eastern Calradian lords, and more recently to the Eastern Province, are gathering their numbers. They are no longer content with serving others and have set their sight on taking new lands for themselves. They have already occupied 4 strong border fortresses abandoned by the Old Empire, and are calculating which neighboring kingdom they should attack first. Whatever they decide, the Khergits will make their mark, because they are going introduce a new style of warfare to the other kingdoms. While the other kingdoms of Calradia have only recently begun to develop their own cavalry arms, the Khergis are masters of mounted combat and will field armies with numbers of mounted warriors never seen before in Calradia. The horde is restless and is galvanizing itself for war.

In the north-eastern portion of the great desert, the Geroians have established a Duchy with a capitol in Volkheim, which had been named Barriye by the Sarranids. These Geroians had served the Old Empire and when it fell, sought whatever lands they could take and hold for themselves, driving the new-comer Sarranids out of that part of the desert and establishing a line of castles as far north as Asugan castle. The Geroians, not favoring ruling a desert land, are eager to expand northwards into the Eastern Province and perhaps even nort-east into the lands of the Khergiz tribe. The Geroians, aware of the increasingly important role of horses in Calradia have built a strong cavalry arm that is supported by well-equipped and well-trained infantry and crossbowmen. But will their heavy cavalry be able to stand up to the Khergit mounted horde?

Other former mercenaries, without their own land, live to plunder the rich caravans and farms of central Calradia. These masterless men have no single leader yet, but some of their bolder captains seek to unite all the bands together under one banner and thus make their own kingdom among the warring kingdoms of Calradia. Only time will tell if they have the will and strength to unite.

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Redleg99 Creator
Redleg99 - - 970 comments

A good reminder of my design thoughts. The last paragraph suggests that there will be an actual mercenary uprising aka invasion. I haven't gotten around to that coding, but at least their are masterless men roaming around shouth of Dhirim.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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