RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 30)

Really nice compilation for Clear Sky. After playing countless ShoC and CoP mods in the last months I wanted to revisit the clear sky universe to have the ultimate S.T.A.L.K.E.R. experience again. This mod changes a lot of any aspects but keeps the vanilla storyline intact and adds some new tasks. Graphic, Gameplay and nearly everything was overhauled. That's exactly what I was looking for. The compilation creator tries to give the best possible support to fix crashes and errors. Thats why he gets 10/10 from me. Thank you!

Generally speaking, I wanted to thank all those modders from all over the world, who keep S.T.A.L.K.E.R. alive.

Good hunting, Stalkers.

It's a bugfest, the compilation has awesome mods and well put together, but it is a bugfest.

my experience:
I Was in the marshes around 3:30AM already nervous because it was storming, I did not have night vision and i was low on med-kits. I was in the middle of looting, then I heard multiple gunshots and saw the village nearby was lighting up from the muzzle flash. So i treated this as a normal gunfight between bandits, and tried to avoid it. Suddenly I heard my radio go off.
My Allies were being attacked by an unknown force and were begging for assistance from any nearby Stalker. I check my map to see where the radio transmission came from. It was the village i had just passed. i ignore it. 30 seconds later the radio comes on again.

"Please, anyone help us!(crack!) We are being decimated (crack) we won't survive long, we are being torn apart!!!! Please!!! "

I realize I've never heard such fear in the guys voice over the radio. I sprint towards the village. As i get closer I hear the blood curdling screams of the men. I get nervous, I unshoulder my AK-74U, do an ammo count, and switch it to semi-auto because i was low. As soon as i entered the village i see a body. then i continue to scan and find another body 5 meters away from the first. There was a flash of lightning and the whole village lit up for a second and i was horrified by what i saw. 10-15 dead Clear Sky agents.....
At first i thought i imagined it so i continued scanning. I found another body over by the shack and see it was there when the lightning flashed. so i procede into the village. I didn't imagine it. wherever i pointed my dim flashlight, there was red.....
it didn't make sense. It looked like they didn't use cover. I look around and see bullet holes covering the walls.
I notice that there's no blood near the walls though. they were shooting randomly.i hear gunshots followed by something that shook my soul....
I heard this unexplainable, disturbing roar. instantly i switch my AK to Auto. I follow the sounds and come up on a big house in the village. I see the muzzle flash from the windows. it looked like there are 2 guys in the house fighting. as i get closer i hear the 1 scream followed by the other man yelling and shooting. I start to shake and feel my heart beating through my throat. i hesitate at the the door of the house thinking i should run away. i hear "HELP ME!!!!! PLEASE ANYONE HELP!" without another thought i enter the house and see the man firing in every random direction......
I get confused by this. i think {whats causing all of this was it an anomaly?}. I was answered by a roar. i rebounded, and scanned the room again. Suddenly the other man in the room started shooting again and was yelling "kill It!!!!!! PLEASE GOD KILL IT". it clicked. whatever killed these men had camouflage. as soon as i realized it the man fell to the ground dead..... i start listening. I hear distint heavy breathing. it never left the room. I start sweating. I'm within five feet of a monster that i cant see. then it uncloaked.....
it smacked my AK out of my hands. This stuns me. next it tries to latch onto me but i reacted just quick enough and dodged it. I ran to the next room scared and looking for anything that resembled a weapon. I could hear the mutant in hot pursuit. I see a body and sprint over to it freaking out. nothing. i yell F***. then a flash of lightning lit up the room through the window and i see another body in the corner.....
i find a double barrel shotgun. I check the ammo count and my heart sinks. i had no ammo and the shot gun had one shell in it. i had to make it count. I heard the beast enter the room. i was shaking. i could barely hear him from the storm. I pulled it up and waited. i knew he couldn't resist. I see movement in the corner by the door. the ugly beast had Uncloaked and was staring at me. i jumped and he pounced at me: i was ready with 1 shell of 12 gauge buckshot and blew that motherf*****'s head off. bloodsuckers are scum. I ran away ashamed that I couldn't save anybody.
the whole situation from when i entered the house to when i killed it was like 30 seconds.
and to this day i have never gone back to see that village. I was sweaty, nervous, heart was racing, thought i **** and ****** my pants, but one thought was in my head.
my brother tried to recreate the experience. it never happened. it was the games nonscripted sandbox nature that made that experience truly mine and mine alone. you cant see bloodsuckers so its terrifying
Make your own story
Play it on the hardest difficulty
Be immersed
Hit Quick-save like a fat kid eats candy. I would give this a 9.999/10. The only thing that breaks my immersion is that there is not a magazine system. like where you individually load magazines and have to collect magazines. if you reload, when you go back to that mag again it'll have whatever was in it before you changed magazines. if it had a magazine system i would call it a masterpiece idc much it crashes
Good Hunting Stalkers

Really enjoying the gameplay and quality in this mod. Didn't have any issues installing it. guns look great,!

everything very well from time to time ia failure, I would like that adons add the dynamic hud would be beautiful <3

Most Combo mods are just a buggy unstable mess with no clear direction. This mod looks good, runs stable, and the author actively listens to the users playing it. I'm enjoying playing it a great deal. It's not perfect, but regular fixes and community support make it worth every bit of a 10!

With the latest update, the mod became just much better in terms of visuals and atmosphere.

I'd recommend anyone to fall on their face in swamps while running away from the Freedomer's love bloodsuckers!


KilIua says

Agree Disagree

a good mod plagued by constant crashes and other annoying game breaking bugs. i lost count how many times my saves got corrupted. my saves also ended up disappearing at one point. the most annoying bug was i would crash when entering a new zone. this gets problematic later in the game when you are required to enter new zones to progress through the story. another really annoying bug was my i couldnt pull out any of my items! i had to completely restart my game. this happened on multiple occasions. The game worked fine through the first 15 or so hours of gameplay, but after that, i started to encounter game breaking bugs on almost every time i played. im currently 30ish hours into my playthrough (i think) and i literally cannot progress because my game keeps crashing when i try to go into a new zone... the discord wasnt so helpful either, they took nothing i said seriously and basically just told me to **** off... good mod, but needs major bug fixes. i would skip this one.


I have to say that of all mods I tried for Clear Sky and STALKER games in general, this one feels the most complete.
It has everything : HD textures, models, great weapon animations and models, extra weapons, artifact revamp, extra levels that fit very well.
The mod is easy to install and runs great despite the improvement in graphics.
The creator is also really friendly and gets in touch with people fast through the discord.
Go get the mod and show the creator the apreciation he deserves !


Love it Nuff said.