The 24th century was known as the Era of Unity. Our greatest achievements came after the 21st and 22nd century, a time of struggle. The Era of Unity was sparked by contact with an alien race, the Fawnu, who were similar to us in intelligence, peaceful, and prosperous. Together, we discovered the cosmic strings that warp space-time and bind our galaxy together. We can use them to travel, in an instant, to distant moons and planets. The Solar System was united under the U.N.S.F., but it could not last. Follow the story of Tylo, a young pilot selected for a top priority mission. His adventures will lead him to the skies of strange and distant worlds, and his excellent flying skills will be the only thing to save him from the dangerous Nation of Worlds.

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Out of Town

Out of Town


I'll be out of town from june 17th untill august 18th

Next Update DevBuild 1.6

Next Update DevBuild 1.6


A lot's been done the past few weeks! We've made some excellent new models especially for bases and stations. We've also done a good deal of work cleaning...

New Weapons Systems and Models!

New Weapons Systems and Models!


I've done some very exciting work with the weapons system and made an interesting model. I'd like to have the next update done by the end of the month!