Command a platoon of Sherman tanks over the most famous theaters of WW2. Take the commander’s seat and give specific orders to your crew, or open the tactical map to coordinate your actions with accompanying units.

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Dev Diary #11: Get in the tank!

Dev Diary #11: Get in the tank!

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Buckle up! We're about to take you on an exclusive tour!

Dev Diary #10: Let's Hit the Road!

Dev Diary #10: Let's Hit the Road!


Let's talk about the heart and soul of any tank game: the vehicles!

Dev Diary #9: Exploring the Open Fields of Normandy

Dev Diary #9: Exploring the Open Fields of Normandy


Let's venture into the challenging landscapes of Normandy. It's not just pretty scenery, it's where strategic warfare takes center stage.

Dev Diary #8: Dynamic Battlefields

Dev Diary #8: Dynamic Battlefields

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We're back on the battlefield again, and it's not necessarily the last time we talk about locations and environments.

Dev Diary #7: Mocap session

Dev Diary #7: Mocap session

Feature 4 comments

Our lifelike animations are coming to life, and we can't wait to share them with you!

Dev Diary #6: Introduction to Sherman Commander… Better late than never!

Dev Diary #6: Introduction to Sherman Commander… Better late than never!


Let's kick things off at square one, shall we? We're about to shed some light on what the game actually is about.

Dev Diary #5: Battle-Ready Urban Jungle

Dev Diary #5: Battle-Ready Urban Jungle


Get ready to storm the virtual streets of history in Sherman Commander!

Dev Diary #4: Exploring German Uniforms

Dev Diary #4: Exploring German Uniforms


In our quest for historical accuracy and immersive gameplay, the Sherman Commander team leaves no stone unturned when it comes to the authentic portrayal...

Dev Diary #3 - Creating Realistic Soldier Character Models

Dev Diary #3 - Creating Realistic Soldier Character Models


There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, especially on the character creation front.

Dev Diary #2 - Tank and more...

Dev Diary #2 - Tank and more...


Another Sherman Commander battlefield report... 📝

Dev Diary #1 - The work is on!

Dev Diary #1 - The work is on!


Work on Sherman Commander is still going on and armored vehicles are one of the most important elements.